An EXTREMELY Simple Guide to Mastodon (for when someone says it's too complicated to catch on) to – 114 points –
An EXTREMELY Simple Guide to Mastodon

PS- The "real" (non-joke) full guide for the Masto-curious is here.


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This is getting posted a lot which is too bad because it’s worse than useless.

Do people not understand how technically useless 80% of users are? They CAN NOT REMEMBER THEIR PASSWORDS. (No, they didn’t write them down. Password management software? lol.)

I’m saying the height of their technical ability is to remember their password. And we want them to switch platforms, away from a fascist right-wing brainwashing troll factory to- what is it called again?

Yeah. It needs a guide with this title, but actually useful. Well-written, with the context that people reading it are already well above and beyond in making an effort.

Why are so many people still on Xitter? I have a fucking idea.

The question is .. do we care about THAT 80 % of the people. I would be more then happy if we can have that 20 % of more technical-oriented audience :-)

That 80% is important. We need non-techies, because they remind us that there's more to life than just computers.

Yes, because I want my friends (who aren't tech orientated) and interest groups (which aren't tech orientated) to be on the Fediverse.

They're always complaining about this, that, and the other about the big platforms but they have so many hang ups regarding Fedi software, so they don't use them.

A lot of it is perception, but you have to try and make it so people don't have those perceptions or break them.