My post on /r/pics blew up. to Reddit – 158 points –

I find it kinda funny that my most upvoted post is John Oliver. It shows how much he is a symbol for the protest against the api.


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Which movement it's exactly what reddit wants, non nsfw content which generates clicks which on the other hand generates them data and ad revenue and award revenue.

Op literarily does what reddit wants.

Somehow I think the person who'd want to click on a pic like that wouldn't be the kind of person to click on ads. Remember, reddit's overall traffic is down.

Only thing I think that would have been better is if this pic had been made out of fediverse logos and links (text of the urls to parts of the fediverse).

Edit: Yup, that's been confirmed:

TLDR; reddit might have traffic back to preblackout levels but their ad traffic is down, and trending downhill.

Some ads also simply pay out by being seen no need for clicks, clicks just pay out more for reddit but being seen is already in most cases a so called "impression"

Maybe r/pics will go NSFW as well. One can hope.

Anyways, that's why I looked at the pic here instead of on reddit itself. Because you're right - so this is one less set of eyes on reddit ads.