Bodycam: Pregnant woman accused of shoplifting shot by police to – 1087 points –
Bodycam: Pregnant woman accused of shoplifting shot by police | CNN

Somehow this is the only country on earth where this seems to happen. When talking about shootings involving guns, okay, fine, the US is certainly an outlier there, but every country has cars and police.

This is murder.


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A pit maneuver isn't an attempt to kill the driver.

There is no evidence she was a danger to anyone in that parking lot. None. Zero. Pulling out of a parking spot does not make you a deadly threat. There's no amount of imagination of what could go wrong that makes it so.

Have the police even used the threat to the public as justification for this shooting? If not, why are you making that argument for them? The only issue I've seen them raise was the danger to the officer who fired the shot.

There's no such thing as objective right and wrong, we're not discussing a measurable experiment here. I'm biased against the unnecessary loss of life. I'm biased against police murdering pregnant women (or anyone, of course). I'm biased against our police being far more violent than any of our contemporaries. If that makes me "politically biased" in your eyes, so be it. I'd much rather be on that end of bias than the other.

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