Is Not Taking Any Shit From An Employer A Bad Thing? to Ask – 80 points –

I understand that not everyone is fortunate to have money saved to be able to have the leeway to leave jobs whenever they feel like it and so forth. But I just feel like people have lost their sense of self-respect when it comes down to employment.

I am a firm believer that if you are working at a toxic place and are being harassed or bullied, to stand up to that behavior and tell them that you're not going to take their shit, and if they continue you fucking quit and never look back.

I have known people who have not had a savings who have done this in the past and they end up finding a decent job that doesn't treat them like shit. Do you feel like job Seekers don't defend themselves anymore?


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Unionize. Get union jobs. This helps with stopping what you’re talking about.



You're right. That's why most big companies tell people not to unionize, or that it's not necessary. It means they can continue to pay people terribly and treat them poorly. Knowing it's happening next door means less flight risk of those treated poorly.

There is a reason big US corps spend millions of dollars every year on anti-union propaganda. If they’re not worried about spending that much money, how much do you think they are stealing from your labour?

As someone who's never been in a union job, what happens if your boss is just kind of a dick? Can you go to your union rep to handle it or is that outside the scope?

I only have one anecdote. A friend of mine was having trouble at work where their boss was giving them shit about sick time (they had COVID). Friend got a meeting with the boss and the union rep on their side. They said it was like the difference between representing yourself at court and having a lawyer.