0 Post – 63 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

More of them “freedoms” that you yanks are always going on about?

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I’m good, how are you?

Lol u mad

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It is 100% banned. Any religious apparel or trinkets are banned.

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I’m so happy for you, sweetie.

Unionize. Get union jobs. This helps with stopping what you’re talking about.

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What they deserve.

Turns out it wasn’t that bad

What planet do you live on…?

Delete Facebook

Not most. Just enough to make it worth the money they spend.

She’s not anti-gay, she’s anti-trans.

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I don’t think you’re going to get the attention you’re looking for here.

This sounds like a bad idea. Just replace the post.

Tell everyone you’ve never had to experience hardship without telling everyone you’ve never had to experience hardship.

Millions of Americans have to choose between feeding themselves and housing themselves. You are hardly the “freest” country, haha. Richest? Sure just like every other wealthy country, the vast majority of the wealth is held by the people who tell you how to live your life.

Get a grip pal.

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It does!

You should read the articles posted before blasting whatever opinion you think is relevant (and usually isn't).

You'll at least appear smarter to those who you want to read your comments.

Don’t buy things from Amazon. Go to your local book store, or direct to the website of the book you want to purchase.

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Your country does just as much damage on a global scale as those you’ve mentioned as the bad guys. Please don’t forget that.

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Thanks for the info. Canceled today.

Were you too busy doing a capitalism that you forgot to read the comment they made?

You are not a good person.

You’re obviously a fan of federation so I think might be of interest to you.

I talk about this a lot - mostly tongue in cheek (mostly) - and my partner always calls me the Unabomber afterwards, or asks when I’m publishing my manifesto.

I’m not a people person and society seems to be getting worse, plus I love rugged living and being outdoors. I can dig it.

What’s DOS2?

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Everything you’re spouting as a gift from capitalism is exactly what capitalism has taught you to say in its defence.

Excellent news!

Good. Shame on you!

Amazon is a union busting company. They abuse their employees, they underpay them, they’ve taken advantage of communities they have distribution centres in, etc etc etc.

How can you be on the internet and not know the issues behind Amazon as a company…?

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Absolutely not.

Is the corn industry in USA not heavily subsidized, and then that product needs to be justified so HFCS was one that they figured they could squeeze $$ out of?

It’s horrible for you, why produce it at all when the only reason it exists is to justify the government giving tax payers’ money to that bloated industry?

What do you currently do for work? Are you open to changing careers?

Look at the state of the world right now. It’s pretty bleak - capitalism is the cause of all of this. It had its good days, sure, but in the end capitalism + greed has ruined it for everyone.

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Take this garbage back to whatever dark conservative corner of the internet you reside in.

I spent a lot of my summer vacations as a kid playing Asheron’s Call. I’ve been chasing that high ever since.

“Do I look like I know what a jay-peg is? I just want a picture of a got dang hot dog!”

What would really piss off investors is if nobody used the site. Posting memes to and visiting the site you’re trying to protest doesn’t achieve anything.

There would be a few fun chapters but for the most part I’ll admit it would be quite boring for most people. 50/100

Nah, I’ll continue to tell people to stop using Amazon. Absolving yourself of any of the responsibility is bullshit. If nobody uses Amazon, they stop existing. (I understand that they make most of their money via AWS, not the point). It’s very much within our power to change things. Laying down and taking it because we need the people who run the world to change things is pathetic.

luke's poor feefees. :(

You clearly don’t understand the situation. If you’re getting your news from Facebook you aren’t informed. You are spoon fed what Meta wants you to see.