Any Nintendo fans here in Beehaw? If so, there's an incoming Nintendo Direct! to – 153 points –

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I'm excited to see what they're going to showcase. The rumor mill is running rampant on Twitter that a new 2D Mario game and an SNES remaster will be shown.

Assuming these are true, I hope we're getting a 2D Mario that isn't a "New Super Mario Bros" title since that franchise is nearly 20 years old at this point. Give us something new. Call it "Super Mario Bros. 5", even. Just something that isn't part of the "New" series.

As for an SNES remaster, Super Mario RPG in a tilt-shift style Link's Awakening remaster would be lovely. A Chrono Trigger remaster in the style of Octopath or Live a Live would also be lovely.

But ultimately I'll just wait it out with hopeful optimism that they have some good stuff in the pipeline.

I never knew I wanted a tilt-shift style Super Mario RPG but now its all I can think about. It'd be an interesting challenge to redo those old games, but they proved it doable with Link's Awakening.