1 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I really appreciate how Verge has covered this absolute shitshow. The administration is insisting on doing every stupid move possible to get their way, and destroy the communities in the chase to be a generic social TikTok clone.

Good riddance. This place is way better for my mental health.

Yeah, ISP's were given a considerable amount of money to improve internet infrastructure 30 years ago and they did not. Classify them as a utility. Heck, we should nationalize the utilities anyway.

I imagine folks wouldn't have a problem with this if the ads weren't already so aggressive. Numerous ads before and during the content break it up too much. And if the content is extremely short form, it completely ruins the experience.

The number of ads and their length should be proportional to the length of the video. And any creator doing built-in ads should also not be able to inject a bunch of other ads. Burying content is an easy way to get avoided.

Print media had limits for advertisements, heck, in magazines they were premium real estate for the finest graphic designers to put together incredible imagery to get your attention. This level of care (not necessarily images or what have you) has yet to translate to the web.

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Great writeup about the situation, and wonderful to hear actual mods speak. The requests the community is making are very reasonable. But Spez thinks they're too big to fail.

The only way to prove him wrong is to stay away. In the meantime I've joined Beehaw, subscribed to a couple instances outside of Beehaw, and get my news primarily from the websites that I was otherwise seeing being linked to on Reddit.

Yeah, removing one character isn't gonna simplify things if we're taking on more stuff at the end.

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That's kind of surprising, especially since there are communities that exist in those instances that do not exist here. I hope that at least, communities can sprout up here (pro wrestling or Green Bay Packers, anyone?)

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This also means that when Biden had his colonoscopy in November of 2021, Kamala Harris officially became our first female President (for all of 45 minutes but still, technically true)

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Wonderful, I look forward to filling it out!

I don't think much of Mastodon as it is, so they're free to rag on Lemmy all they want.

  • Super Mario 3D World
  • TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge
  • Shovel Knight
  • Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
  • Minecraft
  • Rayman Legends
  • Pokemon: Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee
  • Lego Star Wars
  • Kirby and the Forgotten Land

All have local co-op and would be solid choices!

Forums are very useful for fostering discussion of gaining information. Especially in sectors like tech. As for other types of discussion, well…it can get toxic.

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I appreciate the sentiment from most folks here that this culture is ridiculous and that we should not take part. I’ve been told the more effective way to eliminate tipping culture is to vote in elections and it was so astoundingly tone deaf. Another reason why I like it here!

If that's what they want, Steam's existence on macOS as well as games being available for purchase through both the App Store and Steam aren't working in their favor in that regard. But between the App Store and those previous attempts to block out Game Pass, hopefully Apple will see an opportunity to ensnare more users to the ecosystem.

How many folks out there have iPhones but don't have Macs because of weird hangups like "no games"? They'll target this group eventually.

Wow, well props to you for making Verizon hold to their original agreement. I remember hearing about court cases where they tried getting out of it.

I sincerely doubt they'll leave the hardware business. The Switch is their most successful home console of all time, ranking third in overall video game console sales.

It's annoying to have to buy multiple consoles to enjoy the best experiences that video gaming has to offer, but I wouldn't bank on Nintendo leaving anytime soon.

Well, games that are inherently built for an online social presence, like an MMORPG, makes perfect sense to require being always online. World of Warcraft, Star Wars: The Old Republic come to mind.

Even though you can quest solo on those games, it doesn't make sense from a core-concept standpoint that you just walk around an empty world where there'd otherwise be players doing their own thing.

If it's a game that has little to nothing to do with online as a core part of its concept (like a single-player campaign where you can't have any sort of online co-op), then yeah that seems rather silly.

It was inevitable that someone would try to use AI like this to make certain jobs obsolete. Sites with content like this will manipulate Google's already garbage algorithms to make it a self-consuming snake.

The only way out is to continue to encourage thoughtful discussions from thoughtful articles. AI could certainly help with information, but perspective and insight is an inherently human trait that will tune people out.

Undertale. The messages that game give you. Goddamn. That game also came to me at a point in my life where I needed it. The soundtrack saved me from contemplating a terrible decision. It saved my life. Wonderful game and an incredible experience.

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At first I thought the “no sea large enough” comment was yet another take on how Americans will use anything but the metric system to measure things 🤣

Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series, NEW Funky Mode+

I'm excited to see what they're going to showcase. The rumor mill is running rampant on Twitter that a new 2D Mario game and an SNES remaster will be shown.

Assuming these are true, I hope we're getting a 2D Mario that isn't a "New Super Mario Bros" title since that franchise is nearly 20 years old at this point. Give us something new. Call it "Super Mario Bros. 5", even. Just something that isn't part of the "New" series.

As for an SNES remaster, Super Mario RPG in a tilt-shift style Link's Awakening remaster would be lovely. A Chrono Trigger remaster in the style of Octopath or Live a Live would also be lovely.

But ultimately I'll just wait it out with hopeful optimism that they have some good stuff in the pipeline.

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Potato chips with Ketchup. No shame, no regrets.

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Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem. You play as many characters, but the primary main character is Alexis Roivas.

“Could”, more like “already is”. It’s a darn shame, and honestly I kind of wish the Fediverse had taken off long ago so we wouldn’t be stuck with these repositories of information being walled off by centralized tech companies

I think it’s great that you’ve fostered a discussion where no one’s really angry, but there’s definitely confusion. I have a rough idea as to what you’re referring to, but without concrete examples of games, this seems more like a well-intended but uninformed rant that needed more time in the oven.

This is so exciting to see, as the "Gaming on a Mac!?" argument has been a "chicken or the egg" problem for the Mac ecosystem for decades. You know how it goes, "Publishers don't want to release games for Mac because the user base isn't there" versus "The user base isn't there because there aren't games for Mac".

This toolkit is a significant step in the right direction that can cut down on porting times for games. And the folks who've tested out games have been surprised at the performance without ports. Macs may finally get a market out of this :)

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lol I wondered if anyone still had the original Unlimited Verizon plans that they tried so hard to get rid of. Have you completely gotten rid of it now?

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I'm hoping that a great deal of mods out there will continue to stay dark if nothing changes. And I expect nothing from Reddit's admin team to change. Just let the site devalue for the rest of the month to bots posting the same garbage over and over.

Hah, I’ve done the exact same thing you did - I find myself commenting and thinking more about my discussions, and also turning to RSS feeds for my info. Life is quieter. Simpler. Less filled with bullshit.

Oh I agree completely. I thought gaming would’ve been more feasible once Marzipan made it easy to install iPad apps on macOS. But again and again, the carrot is dangled.

I have to imagine the hesitancy is a perceived cost of losing subscribers once fee information becomes transparent.

This is the answer I was looking for, thank you.

I always see folks say that cats being outside is bad, that they’re a non-native invasive species.

So, I got to wondering….exactly where are cats native and non-invasive, but aren’t inside a house?” houses and dwellings for cats didn’t always exist. I don’t need to be explained to as to why cats should be inside, what I don’t understand is the missing logic about them not being outside.

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All-timer has to go to Chrono Trigger. Absolutely incredible soundtrack from start to finish.