Baldur's Gate 3's companions were overly horny due to a bug to – 358 points –
Baldur's Gate 3's companions were overly horny due to a bug

If you found the companions in Baldur's Gate 3 to be a little too horny, well, it turns out that was due to a bug.

Relationships are a big part of the game's appeal, but there's no denying that companions come on a little too strong right from the off.

Speaking to TheGamer, game director Swen Vincke admitted that romances were bugged at the game's launch and have since been tweaked.


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It took me til halfway through Act 2 to realize you're supposed to click on roll bonuses like Guidance before rolling in order for them to be added to your total

The fact that you didn't know this means you were not getting the guidance bonuses from the deity.

If that happened to me in tabletop, I'd probably go knock over some tables at their respective chapel

(Take it as in-lore and with good humor lol)

To be fair, even with the bonuses, and karmic dice enabled, you can still end up rolling a 1 multiple times in a row.

That's why I save on the roll screen before I toss the die. Go through inspiration/tools first. Then reload if I get fucked over. Because it just sucks failing a DC10 when you can only fail on a 1, since the game does not let you just take a 10.