443 Post – 214 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

No one knows what the word woke means. Even people who use it can't define it. It's just a boogeyman word for things people don't like or want, and even they can't agree on it.

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It's funny to watch his facade occasionally fall and the curtain to be peeled back, and yet the show just keeps going.

Unlike other politicians, the trail of grifts with him is long, and yet people still keep him going.

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Can't imagine a world where anything they come up with has any bite or actually correct any of the ongoing problems. The number of cases where justices should've recused themselves for conflicts of interests seems to just keep growing.

Like godot!

Here's a bunch of other dev related tools link.

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A few highlights:

  • He still faces felony charges
  • "The deliberations were rife with potential conflicts of interest. Paxton’s career includes six terms in the Texas House and two years in the Senate, serving in the seat that his wife now holds, so he knows many of its members. One was caught up in the articles of impeachment: Sen. Bryan Hughes ( R), accused of helping Paxton exploit his office to aid Paul, who in turn hired a woman with whom Paxton was having an affair. The woman, Laura Olson, later worked for Sen. Donna Campbell ( R)."
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All of these sound so minor.

The question is whether it's a memory thing, or if this is the standard politician thing where they're focused more on the impact of the story.

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Too many college graduates are leaving Mississippi, and aligning degree programs with labor market demand might stem the tide, White said.

It doesn't even take a full brain cell to figure this one out. Tying budgets to the job market in mississippi isn't going to help if they aren't creating reasonable jobs there.

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In any other job, someone would be fired for blocking the rest of an org/team/company from accomplishing something. it feels crazy that we draw so many exceptions around politicians. It often just feels like a bunch of rich fucks flaunting the power they've bought.

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Some highlights if you don't want to click:

Temperatures are forecast to be warmer than normal for all of the northern U.S., from northern California, Oregon and Washington to Pennsylvania, New York and into New England.

NOAA says that temperatures will stay closer to the 30-year average for the South.

For the precipitation (rain, snow, sleet, etc.), the northern states could see below-normal snowfall, especially in the northern Rockies and the Great Lakes.

Across most of the South, wetter than normal conditions are expected, especially in the Southeast from Louisiana to Florida and into the Carolinas.

For the Northeast, there is a chance that this will be a wetter than normal winter from Washington, D.C., to Philadelphia, to New York City and into southern New England.

super important detail

One other thing to note, this is all a probability forecast. The atmosphere is very fluid and dynamic, and forecasts could change.

Yeah, but then you'd have to live in Texas and deal with 10x the bullshit you have to deal with in other states.

We didn't have cyclists before Biden!!!

Right up there with the Naomi Wolf tweet about 5G in Belfast

Maybe you just know how to charm people?

This only sorta works for today and if your friends never share images or videos online. The ever-increasing amount of people taking pictures and filming and posting them online means the day is quickly approaching where you could be identified and tracked through other people's content, security & surveillance cameras, etc.

If stores start adopting the tracking used at Walmart and the Amazon biometric data, social media will be the last of your worries.

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This is such a shit show.

The ruling, written by three judges appointed by Republican presidents, comes after the 5th Circuit temporarily blocked an order that had put wide ranging restrictions on the Biden administration’s communications with social media firms. That order had included a wider range of government agencies, including the departments of Health and Human Services, State and Homeland Security as well as the U.S. Census Bureau. The 5th Circuit removed them.

Our democracy was not built to handle the 21st century technologies. lol

title sounds like clickbait. it's so weird to use collapsing, when the real story is the covid era programs are expiring (as OP thankfully points out, thanks OP).

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That's just misinformation. That'll never happen.

People don't want to go to anime_titties for global politics anymore? what is this world coming to?

The named email says Abbott's teams are working to "verify and confirm compatibility", so it's unclear if this is an actual issue or just a precaution over what they think could be an issue.

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Wrong one.

pseudoephedrine is the meth-making one, and usually the one you now have to ask a pharmacist for.

Phenylephrine is the one they used to replace it, which many people knew didn't work and complained about it.

In this case might be 480p ray tracing with DLSS upscaling to 720p and a 1 hour battery life!

who tf subscribes to this?

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Sadly, it is very often the people at the bottom who deal with shit-stain policies like this.

this and policies like anti-abortion policies rarely affect rich or middle-class people, who have money.

Had this question like 2 years ago, thinking it was due for an upgrade... At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if they never release another.

I think it supports pretty much everything you might want in a device already.

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Tech companies wouldn't exist. It's literally most of their business plans.

JOE IS TAKING AWAY MY 4 HOUR HOT SHOWERS EVERY DAY???? This is some WOKE fucking nonsense.

Imagine if Texas didn't hate it's residents enough that they allowed their state electricity grid finally connect to other states utility grids so this wasn't a problem and it reduced prices for the people in Texas (and even prevented deaths from recent strains during extreme weather)!

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That is false.

Someone in another thread said he has a mastodon account. Dunno if he posts there or not.

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In this particular case, it's a bit more complicated.

I suspect the majority of 30x0 & 40x0 card sales continue to be for non-gaming or hybrid uses. I suspect that if pure gamers stopped buying them today for months, it wouldn't make much of a difference to their bottom line.

Until there's reasonable competition for training AI models at reasonable prices, people are going to continue buying their cards because it's the most cost-effective thing -- even at the outrageous prices.

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I don't think we know.

Makes me wonder of the dev team is on a much-needed vacation or if they only run nvidia gpus. lol

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straws ... grasping ...

Ahh, Google's tried and true method of throwing a million half-baked features to people before promptly cancelling them all. This will definitely work for them.

Title is a bit click-baity, but the core message is the game has seen a boost in users since it's recent update that was just before the starfield launch.

Dude's a troll (or just can't read) and it isn't worth engaging with him.

Welcome to the future [of shit]!

I think it's largely about control, but on a couple of different levels.

The people who fund the party, use it as a funnel to regress protections and restrictions so they can concentrate wealth and power and force people into situations that ensure that.

The people who vote are left in constant fear that they don't have control over their lives, their futures, and everything is being taken away from them (it's not true, but it's easy to manufacture that perspective).

The politicians leverage this by targeting smaller groups of people, pushing them as a threat, and using it to mobilize votes for nonsensical policies that don't solve any issues the voters actually face. But it feels like progress. Since 2016, there's an additional side of this where it's given some people the audacity to think they can treat people like shit, again because it gives them a sense of being able to control something in their lives, and this is really powerful as a motivator. It doesn't matter that it works against their entire identity they've built up.

I feel so much safer knowing he might show up and protect me from a grocery store robbery.

[Edit: Sorry, I was in a hurry and slaughtered this answer. I wanted to just give a reply in case no one else did, but bungled it. There's detailed replies to the above answer the better spell out that they can't regulate what someone does in a different state. I suggest reading the other responses to better understand this, and ignoring this one. I'll leave it just so you can see how not to respond in a hurry.]

In general, it's not illegal and is the basis behind the states rights movement.

It's been an ongoing thing in the US, probably forever. I think Louisiana still had a legal drinking age of 18 until the mid-80s when they finally changed it to 21 -- only because Reagan was going to withhold federal money from the state. People still have to drive to wet counties/states if they live in a dry one (eg. no alcohol can be sold).

There are some things where crossing the border and doing something can get you in trouble, like trafficking or reselling certain things.

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NMS at least has planets without buildings or signs of life, but they're certain types of planets (eg. lifeless/airless) There are definitely some that have far fewer ships going around too.

NMS is more expansive in some ways, but also fairly shallow in terms of some of the core mechanics. There's a lot of things to do like having a settlement or building a fleet and sending the fleet on missions, but again, it's a bit shallow. At the beginning you're largely focused on resource collecting to build a base, and unlock upgrades. Over time you can automate a lot of this and focus on other things. However, if you don't like the resource collecting to unlock things, you're probably not going to enjoy it.

I think the space flight and combat in NMS feels better. For whatever reason, in Starfield space flight and combat feels very slow to me. It doesn't help that the UI in the starship does this weird laggy update. The seamlessness of flying into a planet can be fun in space combat and the ships will follow you.

NMS has way more copy-paste assets. Starfield at least has grand cities and some unique set pieces or a few different options ,but every crashed freighter in NMS is identical. The buildings in NMS have a tiny bit of variance but they're all like 1-2 room buildings. All space stations and space ports are identical (just the core race changes). There are pirate space stations, but they're the same basic one but darker and they've moved the vendors inward a bit into tents instead of stalls. A little bit of this is baked into the story of NMS to some extent, but that doesn't exactly help it.

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Wait until they find out about fan fiction. Hope they get hard reading it to each other on the house floor.

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