New Minimum Age Classifications for Gambling, Loot Box Content in Australia - IGN to – 71 points –

From September 2024, any games featuring simulated gambling (such as social casino games) will be rated R18+. R18+ is a legally restricted category in Australia, and games rated R18+ cannot be sold to people under 18.

Additionally, the minimum rating for “games containing in-game purchases linked to elements of chance, including paid loot boxes” will be M. Games rated M in Australia are recommended for people over 15, but this is advisory only; M is not a legally restricted category.

The changes will only apply to games that are released from September next year, and will not apply retrospectively.

From September 2024, any games featuring simulated gambling (such as social casino games) will be rated R18+
According to pre-pandemic figures, Australia has the greatest per capita gambling losses in the world, and is a staggering 40 per cent clear of second place.

The introduction of mandatory minimum classifications for gambling-related content was one of the recommendations from a review Australia’s classification regulations that was undertaken in 2020 and published earlier this year.



Fuck them kids. This business model is abusive no matter who it's targeting.

I love how they use a pic of an Overwatch loot box, literally the only loot box I actually miss 😅

We remember it with fondness, and yet, it was the lootbox that started it all.

Good riddance.

I was absolutely opening CS:GO boxes when Overwatch was on its way to release

True enough. But Overwatch was the first big game where they basically got completely ignored as an exploitative mechanic on PC.

Micro-transactions were for a long time mobile only, then it was free-to-play only.

Remember, OW was a full-price title. Yet, it still worked like a free-to-play.

So a game with a harmless in-game poker minigame with worthless chips are strictly adult only, but not games with real money loot boxes specifically designed to addict you and take your money?

Is poker considering gambling in Australia? In California, it's considered a game of skill, not chance, so it is not gambling.

Still, a simulated slot machine with worthless chips is adult only over manipulative loot boxes? This regulation is too lopsided.

I totally get your point, and it's 100% valid. I just got curious is all.

I'm not sure why they they threw that in... that's not really a problem as far as I'm aware. Maybe they consider it a gateway to gambling?