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Joined 11 months ago

Not sure why you're getting downvoted for correctly using the term and calling out the degenerates who self-insert as little girls everywhere.

I repair computers on the side and this exact issue happens so frequently I know some of the error codes that I dont bother trying to fix now. The sheer amount of Windows reinstalls I have to do... honestly its often faster than trying to fix the problem.

Appreciate the opinion, I'm thinking I'm just going to go ahead and pick it up

I’m just wondering if I need to call the police or the ambulance

Both? One of these guys is a convicted felon turned robber baron and the other is a retirement home escapee who has lost the light in their eyes.

Icarus looks interesting but I've been eyeing Enshrouded. My wife liked playing Volcanoids, Astroneer, Drake Hollow, Smalland, Conan Exiles, Dinkum, Palworld, and of course Stardew Valley, among others. Not sure which of those are on sale but check them out.

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Yeah and you're getting renovicted so they can split all the bedrooms up and double the occupancy (and rent)

The worst part about the politics here in Canada is that the Liberals always spend years setting up the layup that the Conservatives use to dunk on Canadians. This round is going to feature a whole host of anti-competitive business, bad trade deals, media favouritism, privatization, waves of attacks on worker's rights... all this and more thanks to the moves set up by the Liberals doing things like refusing to stop the Rogers/Shaw purchase, the failure to make deals with other countries, setting up media and "CanCon" subsidies that favour big media companies, and the intentional attacks on the efficiency and effectiveness of public services.

We are so fucked.

What the polling likely isn't capturing is how many people will ultimately choose not to vote out of despair, and that was the real threat the whole time.

Trump's still in control of his (meager) faculties and that's the issue. They're going to have to put someone else in against Trump or admit that the past few years have been Weekend at Biden's

Audiophile equipment is just magic crystal bullshit for pseudointellectuals.

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A lot of new users are coming to Linux not because they like tinkering with their setup but because they are tired of Microsoft tinkering with their setup. For these people Arch will probably never be the answer. That's ok, we should encourage all Linux adoption and the best way to do that is to start with the simple and familiar.

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Nobody is mad that Civilization and Factorio cause us to accidentally pull all-nighters, they're mad that the latest Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, Grand Theft Auto, and other similar games are designed to extract as much money as possible from people.

Once upon a time people worried about MMO addiction and that was before they added $40 horses. I was on the other side back then, now game publishers can go fuck themselves.

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Tipping the individual creatives who made something? Sure. Contributing to the CEO'S bonus cheque? Go fuck yourself.

I urge everyone to install Adnauseum. You know what's better than trying to starve advertisers of info? Filling their ad profile for you with total garbage.

Not being diagnosed with ADHD until my 30's, I was concerned about taking stimulants... Man did they ever highlight all the ways I had adjusted my life to try and cope, and all the self-medicating I was doing with caffeine and energy drinks. While some adjustments were still necessary, I could finally do things like:

  • wash the dishes without wanting to peel my skin off
  • regularly cook meals instead of eat garbage
  • get my work done in a normal 8 hour day instead of taking 12 hours and stressing out all day about the time I was wasting and ultimately having no time for my chores

Considering how damn hard it is to get meds now because everyone else is abusing them, I'm off them more often than I'm on them. Back to negative performance reviews, stressful days, viciously hating what should be boring or mildly annoying tasks for anyone else. Only difference now is I don't hate myself because I finally understand what parts of this are and are not my fault. I mean that helps me live with myself but I'd really rather just have meds again.

Thanks for the point about the forums. I get why people use Discord: the things it is designed for it does reasonably well. The problem is people using it in ways it isn't made for, like forums or wikis. If your documentation, issue tracking, or patch notes are done via Discord, please stop for fuck's sake. There are much better options for this and you can even webhook them into Discord if you insist on it, but stop using Discord to replace forums.

I don't want a dumb phone but I would 100% take a phone with a back that isn't glass, high repairability, and full control over the OS. Make it THICC and put a big battery too.

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Because YandereDev is a legendary moron I can't even tell if this is a joke or not.

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Considering PVP is what I hate about Sea of Thieves, I'm skipping this. Too many cheaters these days, I'm pretty over PVP shit.

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This is a by-the-book and extremely predictable case of Embrace, Extend, Extinguish.

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I honestly don't care about "underpowered hardware" and other similar crap. I do care about having to pay a sub just to get cloud saves, Nintendo's excessively restrictive policies, their obsession with litigating fans, their frustrating inability to understand modern multiplayer, and their increasing desire to rehash the same games many times.

The only reason I owned a Switch was for on-the-go gaming because gaming on phones is a joke, and now I have a Steam Deck.

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I got asked by a team of first timers who have never done any professional coding or design if I wanted to chip in on a competitive MMOFPS they want to make.

That's not going to happen. Between the rise of cheating, the insane hardware and optimization requirements of an MMOFPS, the general lack of interest in the genre (most have died due to low player counts), and the sheer amount of time and effort involved in designing and balancing the game even after it's largely feature complete? Forget it, I'm better off buying lottery tickets than hoping for anything to come of that.

Unfortunately some people do not want to acknowledge that our large businesses are downright evil. For those who doubt this, consider the pharmaceutical companies that raised insulin prices up to hundreds of dollars a month. They did not give a single shit that people would die, so long as they increased profit from their captive audience. If big business doesn't even care whether you live or die, why would they care about the much smaller stakes involved in the federated ActivityPub space?

Just put my oldest child in school this year and I had to download FOUR apps. Four fucking apps. Why? This could have been a Progressive Web App and a push notification service. There is no need for this.

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Business saves money: "the goal of a business is to make money"

Employee saves money: "you just don't want to pay all the robber barons all the way in and out of work you lazy piece of shit"

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Make sure to add mandatory EGS accounts later.

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A lot of management are coming out of "business schools" that are little more than indoctrination. These people don't know the difference between a leader and a manager and qualify as neither.

Someone who becomes good at something selling goods/services isn't exactly what I would consider offensive. Consider the guy who did Mouse Trap Monday videos who is now selling his trap commercially: do you have any idea how long he spent testing and reviewing traps to reach a point where that was viable? I suspect he spent thousands of hours on this.

Level1Techs sell basically the only DisplayPort KVM worth a damn, that's a pretty great offering to have. They don't bring it up much but it's there.

Bought around 7 years ago as well, got told the same things. I said I was taking a bit of a cost hit now to lower my costs in the long term because my mortgage payments will never go up the way my rent payments were.

Fuck me I had no idea things would get this bad, and boy am I glad I got into a home when I did. It really shouldn't cost that much to rent, this shit is absurd.

The plan for me is to go full-time Linux once I'm forced to move off Win10. I already use it a lot but I'm waiting on a few holdouts.

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My wife played Pokemon and Mario Kart before we dated. After dating for a bit she took a bit of interest in what I was playing and even started playing some games on her own.

My wife liked watching:

  • Witcher 3
  • Red Dead Redemption
  • Assassin's Creed (pre-Origins style games)
  • Portal
  • Devil May Cry (besides DmC)
  • Prototype
  • Xenoblade Chronicles
  • L.A. Noire
  • Spiderman

She joined me or played some others on her own:

  • Stardew Valley

  • Rust (surprisingly)

  • Conan Exiles

  • Golf with Friends

  • Animal Crossing

  • Dinkum

  • Core Keeper

  • Terraria

  • Truck Simulator

  • Ori and the Blind Forest

  • Assassin's Creed Black Flag (she liked to gather supplies and do small secondary quests, or just sail around)

The all-time winner was Breath of the Wild, she loved to watch and play it, and sometimes I watched her play it too. She solved problems in very different ways than I did and it was interesting. Example: my primary way to kill Guardians was to deflect blasts, while she just rode her horse at them and cut them apart. You can imagine how nuts Tears of the Kingdom has been lol.

I feel it might be worth mentioning she did not enjoy watching or playing:

  • Monster Hunter

  • Any flight/space sims (Ace Combat, Elite Dangerous, etc.)

  • Factorio

  • Minecraft

  • Remnant

  • Deep Rock Galactic

  • Vermintide/Darktide

  • most Metroidvanias

  • Civilization

If I had to guess at what these share in common, its a lack of story and NPC interactions, or pacing that makes it less interesting to watch.

It's worth noting that the folks running the Homecoming server had a private server and the source code for years and hid it from the community. I don't just mean they lied, I mean they used control of all major City of Heroes communities to suppress knowledge of the server and ban anyone who spoke up. I would avoid using their server.

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An idea for the fediverse and beyond: maybe we should be setting up instances with copyleft licences for all content posted to them. I actually don’t mind if you wanna use my comments to make an LLM. It could be useful. But give me (and all the other people who contributed to it) the LLM for free, like we gave it to you. And let us use it for our benefit, not just yours.

This seems like a very fair and reasonable way to deal with the issue.

Piracy is a service and pricing issue. Plenty of people willing to pay, proven by the fact the streaming services were so successful in the first place. They're just not willing to take substantial pay hikes when they're going hungry.

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Progressive Web Apps were supposed to marry these schools of thought, but maybe we hoped for too much because it's still garbage Chromium under the hood.

Just make everything for maximum interoperability I guess? I recently saw and forgot the name of a system for creating and displaying Github-like pull requests and associated discussions that are sent in via email. A very simple web interface displaying plain-text that could reasonably have been extended any way you like. I am beginning to see the appeal of the plain-text revolution.

The only 2021 protests where people weren't getting their eyes shot out by pepperballs and beanbags were the ones where people were armed. Message fucking received.

Not sure how a dev can change fast-paced gameplay without seriously altering the nature of the game, but remappable controls should be the norm, and flashing lights have been known to cause issues for so damn long that it's baffling that they keep doing it.

Unreadable text is something I know a bit about though. I've done some accessibility work for web UIs in the past and I can offer some guidance. Text should have good contrast with the background, said background should be static or even one solid color, text should be large and comfortable to read, and use normal fonts rather than dumb or fancy shit.

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I'm an original PA backer so yeah I remember. I'm not pleased and I have little hope for this new game.

Millions of M1 Carbines were widely and affordably available for years before the AR-15 was a thing. It, like the AR-15, is also an easily-handled magazine-fed semi-automatic rifle firing intermediate cartridges, and was intended for military service.

Virtually no school shootings occurred until Columbine (and the media coverage surrounding it, and the miserable state of American society) set off the waves of shootings that continues to this day. It's worth noting they didn't use either AR-15s or M1 Carbines, that didn't become common until later.

If the AR-15 is the cause of this because it is an easily-handled magazine-fed semi-automatic rifle firing intermediate cartridges, how do people explain the near complete lack of mass shootings despite the wide adoption of the M1 Carbine in a time when gun ownership was even less restrictive?

Not a hard enough question? Ok try this one: actual machine guns used to be widely available and much more affordable than they are today. Why is there relatively little recorded violence with them?

This seems like some made up shit. For all 5 people who don't seem to get the stinging nature of this game's satire, I just can't bring myself to care.

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