34 Post – 1362 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.

Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.

Yes. But Valve didn't do anything special. They provide pre-compiled shaders for all games on the deck and can only do so because of how directx shaders are handled on linux.

All games on linux and windows when using DX12/Vulkan must compile shaders. They should be compiled during loading screens and such, not gameplay, then cached for use later.

Elden Ring in particular, didn't precompile shaders before gameplay, and then when it did compile them, it would discard the shaders rather than cache them. As a result the stutter would happen non-stop and never go away.

On linux, the equivalent compiled vulkan shaders are cached by VKD3D, eliminating the stutter except when a shader is used for the first time. On the deck, Valve will deliver the shaders precompiled with the game download to eliminate the need to compile them at all.

The fix of providing precompiled shaders was only possible on linux due to the use of VKD3D. And even without them, on linux the stutter would go away after a while as VKD3D will cache them even when the game doesn't. Fromsoft had to update the game to fix it from their side on windows.

It is. In fact at launch it ran better than on high end windows PCs because linux handles directx shaders better.

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Depends. This main account is on an instance that defederates instances for that stuff, but when using my alt on .world for example I barely have to scroll for a nsfw post to appear.


So they left out vibration so it wouldn't be the usual 60?

Those savings don't take the price down to "will buy" they take the featureset down to "will never buy".

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Immersion, yes, but also haptics provide feedback.

Lots of games use it to tell you things, like when your health is low, when to time something, when you took damage vs blocked successfully, when you're close to a secret...

Used right, it's another sensory input channel in addition to sound and visuals.

One of the biggest genres that I use a controller for, because I consider KBM to be unplayable for it, is racing games. And there haptics are used to tell you TONS about what is happening in the game.

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I set up ! as I've seen the game mentioned all over lemmy now.

Hoping to eventually organize some online tournaments, but we're gonna need players :D

I set up ! as I've seen the game mentioned all over lemmy now.

Hoping to eventually organize some online tournaments, but we're gonna need players :D


Hoping to organize some online tournaments. Maybe monthly? Gonna need players :D

Still just on the first step, embrace.

Apparently threads didn't support federating replies (comments) on posts until this.

And you still won't be able to reply to the federated comments on posts, just see them.

They are really not in a hurry to properly support federating. I honestly didn't realize Threads' federation support was this pathetic.

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The kid is a victim.

And in Sweden what in the US would be called a "juvenile detention center" would fall under the term of "youth home". He wasn't returned to the same one.

I don't think they're exactly leaving him unguarded, being underage, there isn't another type of facility suited for legally incarcerating him. These facilities essentially double as juvie and orphanages.

Mixing kids who are simply in government care with ones that are violent, was never a good idea though. These two systems should be separate, because it's now turning the former into the latter.

According to accounts for this story from eight sources including a former gang member, several youth home workers, prosecutors and criminologists, the homes have turned into recruiting grounds for gangs, who use them to enlist killers too young to be jailed.

Gangs have essentially found a loophole for legal murder. Get a child to do it.

They're the ones masterminding this shit. It's not like these actual children, with government rooves over their heads, are taking on contract killing to make ends meet.

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Kill that guy for us, or we'll kill you, you owe us, sorta requires understanding death.

You think these kids take the "deal" knowing where it leads? Even some adults are easy to manipulate... so a fourteen-year-old?

I'd agree that some teen that kills of their own volition isn't innocent... But there's a literal gang involved that is actively grooming kids for murder.

As for the government letting it happen, agreed. Modern politics, legislation, and government executive branches address problems at a snails pace. Often actively causing them because politicians refuse to enact laws based on what is known, rather than what they feel.

Kinda like you, feeling like the victimhood of this actual child shouldn't be acknowledged.

An attempt to address this with such a tainted perspective surely wouldn't cause problems. /S

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Modern ADSL and VDSL can get you pretty far... But they don't hold a candle to fibre.

You really can't see how a child can fall through the cracks of a fucked government care system and fall in with people who would take advantage of them?

Just warn all the kids off strangers, no way some won't hear it, ignore it, or literally do the opposite of what they're told for stupid childish reasons.

Brilliant thinking my friend, lets just tell all our kids not to get kidnapped, human trafficking, solved!

And before you get semantic on me, manipulating a child into coming with you against their own interests even as it is then not taking them against their will, is still kidnapping.

If you didn't try it the first time, you can enable a beat display. It's toggled with a button on the controller (share button on the DS5 when on PC) and it will display a very explicit indicator along the bottom of the screen.

It would be an age of anime content, because I'm going nowhere.

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That's less than a non-response. Self-inflicted sabotage of your own credibility.

Openly advertising your inability to understand why you disagree well enough to make others comprehend your stance with actual sentences that mean things.

So you try to pretend that a witty remark counts for something.

If you ever genuinely tried good-faith discussion, you'd see how little sense your position makes as you'd struggle to put together arguments that actually convince anyone.

Obviously this person shouldn't be walking free, and needs serious rehabilitation.

But the same way adult ex-cons who end up back in prison in the US within months of release due to a fucked justice system, are victims, this literal child groomed into a tool to enact violence at the behest of others, is even moreso.

Incredible art.

My sister plays the game a lot.

She's earned the white robe, and plays regularly to show other players around, and draw them hearts in the sand/snow.

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No it wasn't.

Go check out the first few posts on ! to learn why. Essentially the startrek instance admin was power tripping, instance got abandoned by the main moderators and content contributors to get away from that.

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Dungeon Meshi, or Delicious in Dungeon, is a renowned manga series by Ryoko Kui, and my personal favourite of all time.

The first half of an anime adaptation by Studio Trigger (of Kill la Kill and Cyberpunk Edgerunners fame) just wrapped.

It's about a party of adventurers that lose one of their members deep in a dungeon, right before using a return spell to get all but that one member back to the surface to safety.

Having lost most of their gear, provisions and all of their funds, they resort to the taboo of eating the monsters they kill as they delve back into the dungeon to retrieve the remains of their lost companion, so they might revive her.

The entire story takes place within just this one dungeon, and is a masterclass in extreme-detail world building and lore. The same goes for the characters.

The series starts off at a slow burn, masquerading as a comedy with unusually intricate worldbuilding, but slowly develops into a phenomenal fantasy story that dives deep into its characters.

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! has been a huge success. And the monthly active user-count suggests there's plenty room for subscriber growth still.

Now that the season is over, I suspect the people who don't watch shows weekly will start joining, too. And season 2 will be even more great as then the community will already be around and have a user-base.

Can't wait.

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The adaptation is fantastic. It even elevates some parts beyond what is possible in manga, taking full advantage of the way animation, sound and music allow for more complex expression of a narrative.

The manga is also great, and worth experiencing. Having read it in no way ruined the anime for me.

The story is so insanely full of details that even if you don't get into both manga and anime, whichever medium you prefer is worth watching/reading twice, just because you notice and put together new things on a second go.

Also intermixed and partly interchangeable with play.

Other way around. Pure and Pulse were PSP first, then PS2 and later PS3.

The PS2 port of Pulse is graphically superior, and can be run using PCSX2. HD has the same content.

Instability might be due to shader translation, should go away as more shaders are compiled and cached.

Vita3k for 2048 runs very well (with compilation stutters only at first), and you can get the HD and Fury DLC for it to access the PS3 content (though with lesser graphics).

Reading this: are they implementing ActivityPub?


Oh sweet lord, no. No, they are not.

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I just used 7Zip to compress to a .zip file when sending to anyone who I supect is tech illiterate.

Now I'm on linux, I don't even know what application is doing the compressing, I just right click stuff in dolphin to compress/uncompress things using whatever format is suitable.

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Even if someone did steal a mars-bar... Banning them from all food-selling establishments seems... Disproportional.

Like if you steal out of necessity, and get caught once, you then just starve?

Obviously not all grocers/chains/restaurants are that networked yet, but are we gonna get to a point where hungry people are turned away at every business that provides food, once they are on "the list"?

12 more...

Holy shit.

I did not expect the next wave of new users on Lemmy to be happening this soon.

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This from the man who thinks he's "competing" with Valve?

Valve is figuring out how to run games they didn't even develop on Linux, while Epic complains it's too hard to do for even their own games...

That's rich.

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Microsoft furiously writing down the lesson: shut.... studios down.... to.. boost... reviews. Got it! Thanks!

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Apple isn't that much of an asshole, it only does all the dick moves it is legally allowed to.

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Yeah, but in federated social media you can just pack up and set up a new instance.

You won't ever need to leave the whole thing behind to disconnect from corporate BS.

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It's almost like most people will just use whatever is most convenient to get around, regardless of what exactly that is.

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Yes because the security of barcodes and screenshotted tickets were such a huge problem before. Paying customers used to constantly miss out on events because someone else had already gotten in with their ticket. /s

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That's the version people actually play, and which has the furthest developed systems to do bigger stuff. Look up PaperMC, it enables some wild stuff for Minecraft multiplayer.

The server options available for multiplayer in Bedrock are truly pathetic in comparison.

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Whoa, subscription models hurt smaller games? Whoever could have seen this coming?

Glances at spotify.

No-one could have predicted this!

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Except Arrowhead isn't some sony-owned subsidiary studio, whose every statement is little more than puppetry.

They are an independently owned company, in a publishing deal with Sony.

By sabotaging the product like this, Sony is straight up stabbing them in the back as a business partner.

Sony can survive botching a game. Arrowhead might not. They're being polite, but if I was at Arrowhead, I would be fucking livid with Sony right now.

Their supposed sponsor, a rich entity with more than enough capital, is literally trying to risk their lunch because it wants even more.

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Altman going "yeah we could make it get things right 100% of the time, but that would be boring" has such "my girlfriend goes to another school" energy it's not even funny.

Stopping child labour could stop child labour.

You don't say?

It's so weird. User's will complain like hell, but never actually stop being users.

How is "competition" supposed to work if you're not willing to to switch to a "competitor"? There's no competition forcing a company to improve if you just really sternly tell them off, then continue being a customer regardless.

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