The new system to replace Reddit coins and awards is here. You got out at the right time. to – 1362 points –
Community Points - Own a Piece of Your Community

Read all about it at the above link. There's way too much to process here. This is going to be wild.


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Reading this: are they implementing ActivityPub?


Oh sweet lord, no. No, they are not.

Someone at Reddit had Blockchain missing in their buzzword bingo for 2023, I swear.

I think that's their point, to sound like the Fediverse but is actually a different way for them to get money and control the narrative. They're also possibly trying to take away shutting down shitty sites "by giving the communities control."

Like, they're giving users monopoly money, and try to pass it off as control. Like, the fuck are they gonna do with the monopoly money?

Plus imagine if users actually believe the monopoly money is important. We're back on the days of BB Forums where you can make a factual point but oops, you're level 2 and the forum regular (4506 posts) just called you a cocksucker.

Edit: Oh god, the moderator wallet thing. They're letting moderators moderate themselves. This is going to set off a massive amount of infighting as some admins will take the whole wallet and the other moderators will call them out and the seriousness of the whole thing (moderation teams not getting along) will get drowned out with all the people shitposting about fighting for monopoly money.

This is the stupidest thing I've ever read.

the fuck are they gonna do with the monopoly money?

Simple - the illusion of control. And, I'm sure the users will.

Thank goodness, I wasn't the only one. I really thought they were talking about activitypub.