7 Post – 640 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Nobody likes a sucker, especially the kind that fall for fruit tarts like you. I knew there was trouble. I could smell it on the hot evening breeze. Fortunately for me, trouble is my favorite thing… Because I’m Joe Milkshake. I kicked down the door with one swift, decisive motion.

Sorry, you need high quality data for training.

Seeing your post I was actually worried because next week I wanted to install Bazzite on my laptop. For me the download worked fine though, 3-4 MB/s, its the bazzite Asus nvidia image. So it seems more of a problem with your internet connection somehow, more specific to wherever they store downloads.

Are you downloading with a download manager that could retry connecting when it fails?

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Yes. Admittedly I don't have time to test if it really boots. I wanted to do that some time end of next week when I got a day off to take care of stuff.

Does it even have a live USB? I thought that's not a thing with immutable distros? At least Kinoite didn't have a live USB option.

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Is the accuracy as high as with other aspect of AI, e.g. LLMs answering with 90% correctness?

There's like 20 years between those pictures.

I don't know if it is worth the effort to brick 3 devices out in the wild.

You are blaming the customers for "thinking you deserve less pay" when the actual person not paying you enough is the bar owner. Sorry for kicking up yet another fruitless discussion about tipping in the US, but these kind of mental gymnastics just trigger me.

Yeah, that one is definitely a sight to see, if you can stand looking at dead people's bones.

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...there probably was none.

I've been using Mull for a long time and had no issues. Recently installed Iceraven, phone got quite hot already after minutes of using it, battery drained fast. Not sure that is this but it sounds like.

He's just one big buoyant boy.

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Top right?

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Yeah, exactly. I find the shilling for MacOS a bit concerning, already from the article and also the comments.

A Mac feels more like yours than Windows? Just goes to shows how shitty Windows has become, not how MacOS is better.

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(to be frank, nor do they seem to need it, as everything is so polished these days)

The problem is if you don't know basic concepts of computers you cannot transfer your knowledge from one program to the next. Folder structures are a bizarre thing for many people and if they see one in program A, then they won't understand that in program B it works the same way.

I have never had any issues learning any new software from scratch, but I see people my age not figuring out where to click next or where something they are looking for might be hidden in the options. Then an update comes that changes things and they are back to square 1 and helpless.

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That's a paddlin'!

The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.

You're probably joking but since my internet sarcasm detector blew up I still feel obliged to tell you, its probably rather about the foreground versus background.

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And then you applied the concept to your username before registering here? Thats dedication.

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They provided the backup e-mail address

Upon receiving the recovery email from Proton Mail, Spanish authorities further requested Apple to provide additional details linked to that email, leading to the identification of the individual.

Just in case anyone thinks they decrypted mails and handed them over, nope. I hadn't thought about that "settings" are not encrypted. Guess if you want to stay anonymous you shouldn't add your private mail address in there as a backup.

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How the fuck does anyone think its a good idea to keep people from vaccinating? They realise the virus just keeps spreading globally if any one country keeps having it in circulation? Just bizarre. Just like Russia.

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I think these either need the beak to be a bit irregularly shaped or needs a black line inside the beak to make it more clear this isn't just a big hole in the face but an actual bird beak.

But other than that its great! And that's of course just my personal opinion, you do you!

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Someone at Reddit had Blockchain missing in their buzzword bingo for 2023, I swear.

There was a second one? Again memes are how I get my news.

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...from Tesla.

She later said Telstra had contacted her and offered a free Fetch box, which she acknowledged was a “reasonable resolution”.

And we have learned exactly nothing here. See you in 2 years when Fetch closes down and you are not getting anything back because you actually did not "buy" those movies on Fetch but on the previous platform.

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Its a good meme but the actual panel is different


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Anyone here not using an open source launcher after this announcement is seriously learning nothing from this. You are just trusting the next company that either already or eventually will go the same way. Like the dude mentioning Microsoft launcher as alternative, that one has branch analytics baked in as well as far as I remember.

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The article is talking about lorry drivers making trips for work though. I am not sure I understand the need for the drivers to conceal their location while they work?

But otherwise I agree.

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There have been examples of the past where martyrs did change the direction of history. Maybe he hoped it would be similar and I guess we are at the find out stage.

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Maybe I missed it but my ultimate pet peeve of these articles about scientific breakthroughs is that they neither credit a single name of a scientist in their article nor even just putting a single link to the work. I know its likely behind a paywall (darn you scientific publishing), but still!

I browsed a bit through Nature Communications and haven't seen the article...

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Really? Me? With boobs and all?

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The Grand Nagus advocating for free and open source software... there must be a novel rule of acquisition I have not heard about yet!

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Wtf happened at Boeing

Edit: aha, it is about this stuff https://www.bbc.com/news/business-68534703

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"Flipper Zero can't be used to hijack any car, specifically the ones produced after the 1990s, since their security systems have rolling codes," Flipper Devices COO Alex Kulagin told BleepingComputer.

I guess Canada must have a ton of old cars?

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It would be worse if its the right direction but still the wrong orientation, seeing as the line is not centered.

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Thanks for calling it what it is. What is going on with those thirsty boomer humor commenters below?

Simplest explanation is that the general public doesn't give a shit and while Facebook is on the downturn (not sure if numbers can back that up) people need to go somewhere else. Maybe that is reddit right now, they got the marketing and content to get people on it.

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I let you in on a secret: scientific literature has its fair share of bullshit too. The issue is, it is much harder to figure out its bullshit. Unless its the most blatant horseshit you've scientifically ever seen. So while it absolutely makes sense to say, let's just train these on good sources, there is no source that is just that. Of course it is still better to do it like that than as they do it now.

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