The new system to replace Reddit coins and awards is here. You got out at the right time. to – 1362 points –
Community Points - Own a Piece of Your Community

Read all about it at the above link. There's way too much to process here. This is going to be wild.


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Holy shit.

I did not expect the next wave of new users on Lemmy to be happening this soon.

Batten down the hatches mateys. Tharrr be a storm brewin' ☠️ πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈπŸ’€

New LemmyFediverse boi since the Great Purge; this is seriously happening again, already? Glad I got out when I did. Compared to the old place, experiencing and interacting with Lemmy is like a calming dip in the Great Link (not a Changeling honest)

Yeah same. There are a couple of communities over there that I kind of miss, although one or two of them have been recreated on Lemmy basic nobody posts on the yet, or they get continually brigated.

I need to check out the other servers though. Lemmy is just so far superior to what Reddit was in how it's fundamentally designed.

Me neither. How long till goes away? That was supposed to be the next big spike in the Lemmy growth curve.

I can't believe I read that whole thing. I take that back, I can't believe Reddit actually thought this was a good idea and put it out into the world.

Well in January I believe they told third party app developers that they weren't going to charge for the API this year (but that someone was in the works). Then May I believe is when reneged on that? June? I know the charging went into effect on July 1.

In May/June Spez said that old Reddit wasn't going anywhere. So we can extrapolate ~October for them to announce it's ending, and then it being killed by the end of the year.

I’m still using Old Reddit so the second it goes down you’ll definitely be hearing about it, at least from me πŸ˜‰