Irrelevant, old, posts in hot to – 54 points –

Is it just me?

My hot it full of months, or even years old posts that have almost no upvotes or comments. Why are they there?

And unlike actually "hot" posts they don't seem to want to go away. Is this a bug? I'm not seen any discussion on it, not even on github.


Yeah, just recently saw a news article pop up in my Hot feed which stated that "Canada finally starts requiring a negative COVID-19 test to enter the country". Weirded me out for a moment before I realized that the post was over two years old :)

I've been keeping on getting one for the itch io ukraine bundle, which was over a year old

At least was a bug. If a post for whatever reason is requested again from another instance, then it would be inserted into the database with a very high hot score, as if it was a new post. But I thought that was fixed.

Indeed, that github issue is closed.

I'm not sure this is that, though.

Its a known bug and 0.18 already improved it a bit. O.18.1 will hopefully fix it completely. For now the instance admin can restart the Lemmy backend to renew the stalled hot sorting.

This ain't that. Before it would freeze entirely and keep the same posts for days.

Now, it's updating, and showing brand new posts, but also posts from YEARS ago.

Yes I am aware, but I talked to one of the developers and apparently it has the same root cause.

And I can definitly see that restarting the backend temporarily fixes it.

The sorting algorithm seems like it needs a bit of work. I don't have the issue that I see month old posts, I tend to see very new and not very upvoted posts instead, but that's fine with me. I just saw your post on hot near the top page, for example.

I do get new and actually upvoted posts, but there's a bunch of older stuff sticking around, and they seem to do so longer than other stuff.

Use Top Day or something with even less time like Top 6 hours if you want fresh posts.

I would, not yet available in thunder, so only on desktop for now.

I've been using Lemmy in browser and Γ¬t works decently well

Same. Top 6 hours is my jam. Occasionally switch to Top hour or Top day

I realized the Same with pinned posts! It depends on the sort order, But the pinned posts are then always on top. Whish i could just hide those ^^

Had the same problem but 0.18 fixed it for me.

Upgraded the UI to 0.18.0-rc1 and the backend to a few commits ahead of 0.18.0-rc1. I haven’t seen this issue so far today.

And I just got a 14 day-old post. So it seems like the issue is still there.

I think that as long as the instances you scrape from have not updated, the bug will remain.

Ah that’s good to know. I suppose this is a reasonable limit to what I gain by living on the bleeding edge.