
1 Post – 193 Comments
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And don't call me Shirley

Is that like seti at home?

And people wonder why they're calling what Israel is doing a genocide...

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I can only LOL at this. When will people realize that the majority of social media is absolute shite.

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Good enough for who? You? Sure. But not everyone watches on a small screen. Some people might actually care about the quality too. Some of us can't goto the theatre.

2GB isn't large by any stretch. There are 720p versions of pretty much everything (at least that's what I see on most Usenet Indexers). You could easily get a multiple terabyte external drive if your internal storage is full.

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This Reddit meltdown gets better and better. All of this could've been so easily avoided. Instead we have Reddit, doubling, tripling, quadrupling(sp?) down on terrible ideas. Fun to watch though.

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Louder for those in the back

This guy's browser history gotta be a wild ride.

You can tell the repubes were

A. Caught of guard by this and

B. Have no idea how to handle it.

Lots of people have been saying that this would happen.

They want to attack trans folks so they can attack the gay folks so they can attack the coloured folks....

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What is this wizardry?

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Imagine being as dumb as this comment.

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These days I hail a delay as a smart move. Wish more devs/publishers would allow for this.

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Why are some of you Americans so fucking dumb and why is it infectious?

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Who would have thought this would be a hell of a presumption in this day and age

Stop caring about upvotes, you'll live a happier life.

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Nah, it'll probably be something like knackers and muff

Imagine being so thin skinned that rainbows 🌈 are the "bad guy"

Nuke that channel from orbit.

It's weird how some people (who might be LGBT, a woman,BIPOC, or not bigots) don't want to hear conservative white people spouting racist, sexist, bigoted crap ...

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Imagine reading a joke/meme and feeling personally called out by it.

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I'm actually kind of impressed that you can mine crypto still. I thought most of that went away some time ago

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The Polish language. 😂

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Screams at you in poutine.

Shareholders Uber Alles

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You ok?

But other consoles can have exclusives?

I'd be ok with this if they got rid of the concept of "console exclusives" all together :).

Probably sacred someone was going to buy THEIR info 😆

I'm sure it'll be fixed, but until then it is pretty annoying :|

Would be nice if it was actually updated on Fdroid or Google 😓

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Couldn't have happened to a nicer dictator.

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What's wrong with supporting LGBT people?

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Twitter Blue accounts are a godamn blight.

A properly setup rTorrent is S tier.

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You download them from somewhere :)

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You sound like one of those "just asking questions" type of people...

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Yes, Israel is a terrorist state.

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Fun is the only metric that matters.

It's been running pretty much perfect the last week or so.

I bought it at launch and it wouldn't work at all so I refunded it. When the first major patch came out I have it a second shot. Very happy I did.

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It's not "something we don't like".

If that's your take I'm not sure what reaction you're looking for.

Obviously people should get the support/help they need.

Greed. It's always pure unfiltered greed.