Colorblindness check! to Lemmy – 607 points –

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What is this wizardry?

😂😂😂 the wonders of unicode / utf-8

it the reason why you can post in any imaginable writing system from ancient sumerian complaints in cuneiform 𒂍𒀀 𒈾𒍢𒅕 to the goddamn seraphim o "серафими многоꙮ҄читїи҄" that was used exactly once in a single 15century manuscript.

its also the reason you can post emojis nearly anywhere.

Yeah, UTF-8 is great, but ASCII had a character that made a sound.

The first 127 or 255 characters of UTF-8 are just ASCII if I'm not mistaken, for backwards compatibility with ASCII-based systems

I love that we have so much type of o-s. These are all different characters:


How dare you write the name of a man who sells inferior copper!