Google Chrome pushes ahead with targeted ads based on your browser history to – 1339 points –
Google Chrome pushes browser history-based ad targeting

Google enables advertisers a look into your browsing history...


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I think it's a new thing where the browser does the profiling locally, and supposedly without allowing sites to track you anymore. But of course the sites can still ask the browser for your personal interests in order to serve you ads, so I couldn't tell you why they think this is any better.

It would no longer be minable from a central server. That’s measurably better.

You can also quickly delete it yourself. That’s better

Bottom line, your browser should not be part of the ad network.

I’m explaining why it’s “better” , not agreeing or disagreeing with it.

Ultimately I don’t give a fuck because I haven’t trusted Google in a long time and I never left Firefox.

Mozilla ftw.