1 Post – 296 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

It’s buck from ice age, now all he needs is an eye patch.

Also entirely valid.

Entirely escapism, most romantic movies involve felonies lol.

Stalking is the most popular, harassment, sexual harassment, assault, lack of consent.

…. But it’s all portrayed as romantic. You want to talk about rape culture? The romance films are peak “rape culture”

Twilight vampires secretly watching you sleep without your consent? Hawt! The guy refusing to take no for an answer? How devoted! The guy just grabbing you and kissing you out of nowhere? Swooooon! My ex inserting herself into my current relationship to wreck it and get back together with me? It MUST be true love. . I assure you, those things are unpleasant in real life, but I’m really curious as to how people think they’re romantic in movies. I don’t get it.


Really intense racism.

That’s just it, as a business owner, some years may be good, and some years may be bad.

So some years your profit should be less.

That doesn’t mean you’re going under. Less profit is still profit. That means everyone (including yourself) has been paid and you have money left over.

But because CEOs are paid mostly in stock, the profits have to rise every year, for no necessary reason besides “I like money”

And eventually that’ll break, and it’ll happen all at once.

32 bit CPU’s having difficulty accessing greater than 4gb of memory was exclusively a windows problem.

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They’re paid in stock, so line must go up because MONEY.

We promised those shareholders that we’d pay you as little as we can….. you wouldn’t want to make us liars, would you?

I dunno, I feel like this could have been solved with a pizza party and T-shirts for less money


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Perfect. Zero notes.

Social media should not be for kids.

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Fucking eh!

If you spend 10 minutes looking into Dolly Parton, you’ll find a Fucking Angel.

Legitimately. Look into her reading program. Not just the news articles, but the written deals. She makes sure that if her program is a success, that the county is contracted to keep it going FOR-FUCKING-EVER. Her legacy is generations of kids who graduate high school because she sent them books.

And that’s just ONE thing she did, with a legacy that will outlast every one of us.

We ride at dawn.

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Sometimes there are things a person chooses to do that are bigger than themselves.

He chose to allow himself to be a martyr. Hopefully it makes a difference, but it very likely may not.

Who knows, maybe his sacrifice paves the way for his successor.

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We told these stupid employees that they had to do a 3 hour test in 1 hour or get fired and they started faking it.

No idea why.

Anyways, we fired these low level employees as an example because they broke our rules when we encouraged them to.

Don’t worry, the directors and execs that forced this scenario are safe and will continue to blame employees for the fuckups no matter HOW systemic they seem.

The system isn’t bad, Charles was bad.

We infected his personal items with the bubonic plague on the way out so that he can’t harm any more stock prices. I mean airplanes.

✈️ ✈️

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I mean that’s beautifully put…..

But unfortunately it’s simpler than that. It’s the story of a reasonable man that achieved beyond his dreams and then flipped sides because of money and status.

“Suddenly I have an opinion on the capital gains tax.” Type of stuff.

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Sometimes the breed temperament has more to do with it than anything else….

But also assholes all seem to like the same breed so….

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You’ve never made a silly mistake where you “can’t see the forest for the trees”?

It happens to the best of us

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Everyone is blaming Netflix, but it’s not their fault.

It’s the fault of the content owners. Disney, fox, paramount etc…..

Rather than make a little money off of Netflix, they decided they could scam more money by launching their own competing service

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As someone that uses ChatGPT daily for boilerplate code because it’s super helpful…

I call complete bullshite

The program here will be “hello world” or something like that.

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But still a profit. Just not as much of profit as last year.

We are making money, but not as much money as I want. SMITHERS! Fire people randomly until I feel better about only making a few billion, instead of a hundred billion.

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I don’t know, I can see the value in paying them more, give the gravity of what they deal with….

Otherwise they might be open to bribery 😝

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They’re telling you that these “private” spaces are allowing for child exploitation because it triggers exactly the thoughts you’re having now.

“Oh I don’t want that, I guess I’ll give up my privacy”

It’s an excuse. Apple had client side image scanning, cutting through ALL privacy. The program basically found 0 child porn images, but instantly that it existed, governments wanted to use it to censor images they didn’t like.

It’s a lie, it always has been. “Won’t people please think of the children” has been used to create horrendous lies of policy since the beginning of time.

You know what existed before these services? The same evil that existed after them.

We can ban knives because a few people stab others with them, but ultimately if your goal is to stab someone, you’ll use what you have available. Perhaps a fork? And society will no longer have knives, but is that actually a reasonable answer? I mean there are no knives allowed in prisons, and they still make decent shanks .

Killing privacy to solve child exploitation is just a nice lie they sell you to convince you that your privacy doesn’t matter. Facebook has zero privacy and it’s currently the biggest distributor of child porn. It’s a huge problem, and clearly the lack of privacy didn’t solve it like they said it would.

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Yeah but the mob around me watching me touch her breasts might not know that.

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That’s the real answer. “We’re no longer a foreign asset funnelling Russian money to republicans so we’re broke”

They exist, they just aren’t popular because most people don’t care.

Sure, but that’s an environmental solution to what they see as an economical problem.

We need to rethink how economies work in a population shrink.

On Reddit, wallstreetbets used to call everything “retarded” and they’ve stopped and moved to “regarded” as a way of “almost” saying an offensive word.

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It’s literally the same as the oligarchs that enabled Putin.

“We wanted a puppet, but it turns out he wanted power too “

Agreed, but the allure of fame and Facebook/YouTube made this behaviour worse.

Or at least gave the mom the tools to make it worse.

Whaaaaaat, they’re lying????

Even people sometimes just wake up day and snap for reasons beyond our control.

Now you’re generally right, most of these cases there’s some meaningful details missing and the “no history of attacks” is a lie.

We just can’t broadly apply that because we don’t know which one isn’t a lie.

Okay I’ll bite….

I’m good with religious rights, but like ALL rights, they end when they attempt override the rights of others. What religious rights are you worried about losing?

So religious rights END the moment they suggest that someone shouldn’t exist or is somehow immoral. Glass houses and all.

You can practice your religion all you’d like, and I’ll practice mine, but the second you start “protesting pride” or something insane like that, you’ve crossed the foul line.

I don’t show up at your Sunday services to protest the existence of the Catholic church for the same reason (or mosques, temples etc…)

So! If your religion is against abortion, that’s fine, don’t get one! But your religion shouldn’t dictate what I can do, that’s over the foul line.

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Sure but you also haven’t lost any of the power that wasn’t generated by them being dead/broken

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A lot of that control is about perceived obedience and perceived productivity.

In many areas you’ll find that ACTUAL productivity matters far less than perceived productivity.

And it’s easier to perceived productivity when you can walk a floor and see people work as you walk by.

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Okay but Powell made a deal and then publicly stated that she made the deal because she had to and it was a lie.

Like she went out and publicly stated the same lie that got her into this mess.

So unless the justice department takes her public statements seriously, then it’ll be meaningless.

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The problem with medical exemptions is that doctors aren’t trained nor certified to interpret legalese.

So even if the law is fairly clear, it’s just not useful

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This is the question the entire article avoids.

The article is written as if to try and get you to avoid asking it too.

“Why was no warrant required for the data?” “Why are police allowed to just ask for your personal info without a warrant”

What’s the point of warrants if they’re no longer needed? Like, warrants are supposed to be a crucial check on police powers, and here we are rendering them pointless.

I weep for the future.

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“The agreement came a day after the appointment of a new board member, replacing a DeSantis-appointed board chairman who was a Disney critic. Under the deal, covenants and a development agreement Disney supporters on the board made with the company just before the state takeover would be dropped and the new board agreed to operate under an earlier plan.”

Hahahahahaha Let’s read between the lines…

The deal was reached shortly after a DeSantis sycophant was removed from the chair and replaced with “someone”. Not sure who, but that’s a fucking statement. The agreement in the end was “let’s ignore the blank checks the last board wrote on their way out as DeSantis packed the board with assholes and act like this never happened.

“Let’s just go back to our original deal” is the essence of it.

Disney :5

DeSantis :0

They wrote it like it was some sort of compromise, but that’s no compromise. That’s “please stop Disney, I can’t take it anymore”

I really really hate that this made me root for Disney because they are an evil corporation, but God damn does it feel good to watch him drown in his own stupidity.

It pains me to say this as a great dog lover, and someone that has known some very loving pitbulls, Sadly not all dogs can be good dogs.

Like people, some are just born as “assholes”

But yes, breed temperament is a thing. Not an absolute thing, but still a thing.

No, you also have to court a lot of fringe nutters…

Racist, anti-semites, conspiracy nuts, gun nuts, putin’s wallet, homophobes, disillusioned young men….

Trump’s greatest accomplishment is grabbing a ton of random isolated groups and finding a way to thread the needle with all of them.

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Bio-availability matters. The sugars that are bound with the fibre matter. The fact that the sugar is so concentrated and processed matters.

In order for it to be the same, you’d need to bind the sugars to the fibres because those linkages matter afaik. So you CAN do it, but the process required would basically entail recreating the fruit.

Now I’m talking WAY out of my depth here, but the information is around

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