Bethesda says most of Starfield's 1000+ planets are dull on purpose because 'when the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there' but 'they certainly weren't bored' to – 569 points –
Bethesda says most of Starfield's 1000+ planets are dull on purpose because 'when the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there' but 'they certainly weren't bored'

Sure Todd, lol


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This is a nice sentiment, but it falls apart when you realize that a lot of the exploration is procedurally generated POI that eventually copies not just assets, but layouts and granular details. That tends to detract from a sense of wonder and mystery.

Which is fine, if they would just embrace that instead of trying to change how people perceive their work.

It didn't take me long to find two resesrch facilities that were identical down to enemy and loot placements less than 1km from each other.

That's exactly it-- The game is what it is and will be alot of fun for many people. They'll have nailed some stuff and missed the mark elsewhere...

But all the spinning shortcomings as design decisions is off-putting. Like if a restaurant is taking a long time to make my food, just say "it'll be a few extra minutes..." Not "Actually the anticipation of waiting a little longer will enhance your enjoyment, so you're welcome."