Seriously, what's up with big sites literally dying as we speak? to – 20 points –

First all the bs with Twitter and Elon, then Reddit having an exodus to Lemmy (not complaining lol), then Twitch. Are we like, in an alternate self healing dimension or something?


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Reddit might have pissed off some of its users but most people will just use the official app.
Reddit isn't going anywhere.

"most users" aren't contributing anything either, and the mods are the important people there to run the website, and many of them have been very pissed off by reddit with that.

Reddit is definitely going somewhere, but definitely not to a relevant place, they digg themselves...

But will the mods really end up leaving? I'd wager most of them will stay because they won't want to leave their positions of "power"

They certainly won't be moderating much anymore. Lots of mod tools and automods use the API