FOSS-alt to Authy? to Open – 86 points –

I currently use Authy on my android and my Linux system.

It syncs every new authenticator between my devices but I dont want to trust companies with my security anymore.

I host a nextcloud instance on my homelab. Does anyone know a good FOSS authenticator that can use my nextcloud to sync between Linux and android? Provided that it is available on both of course.

Thanks for any input!


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I moved from andOTP to Aegis. Can say that's it's been solid so far 👍

I store my OTPs in a self-hosted Vaultwarden (a Rust reimplementation of Bitwarden) and also on Aegis in case I ever need to be offline for long.

I purposefully split my passwords and OTP. Don't want them to be in one app/place. Kinda defeats the purpose otherwise IMO.