Carlos Solís

@Carlos Solí
12 Post – 385 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hello to the Fediverse! Hopefully you can also enjoy the rest of the sites such as Kbin, Pixelfed, Peertube, Owncast and Misskey - there's plenty to choose from!

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Originally I understood they'd strike because of the stores adding Pride decorations, but nope, the store admins are banning Pride decorations

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About the only benefit I can personally see from this is the ability to fully integrate F-Droid as an app store in my device, with proper automatic background updates, and without requiring root solutions that void my work's security measures for mobile devices. On the other hand, I can see Huawei, Amazon, and Epic jumping to the fray with their own app stores and system services, and maybe Google Play being far more lenient with subscription services like Spotify's in their own App Store. Altogether, I personally loathe Epic's approach, but appreciate the consequences of their lawsuit.

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And that's why I'm happy to see that the lock on modifying the Nvidia BIOS for their old graphics cards has finally been decrypted. That means that Nouveau will have a much easier route to make their open-source drivers work properly on the 10xx and 20xx cards, so we don't have to rely on the tainted crumbs that Nvidia offered here. (Then again, I eventually moved to a 6600 specifically to no longer have to deal with this kind of shenanigans)

Which is exactly why Reddit went after alternate clients and their mobile website is so crippled. They need to sell that sweet sweet user metadata to advertisers

Oh and don't forget the cheeky suckers that explicitly named their nutritional supplement company Soylent Nutrition, Inc.

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And not just any paywall, a NINETY-NINE CANADIAN DOLLARS PER MONTH ONE. Granted the first month is a single dollar, but still, that's a grand total of C$1090 A YEAR.

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If you want to read the gritty-nitty of how exactly was the Widevine blob patched and worked around specifically to not violate the DMCA, here's the specific article

Not AAA devs, they're doing what they can. The problem is with the AAA CEOs

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Unrequested advice. Sometimes it is warranted after all.

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Let's be honest, this will end up with only the ultra-rich surviving in the last few strips of livable surface of the planet - and them elated to have finally "culled the undeserving" as they have been hoping for for millennia.

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Well, if there's something that has increased compulsive behaviors in gaming, and by design, is the concept of the "daily mission" - punishing players for skipping the game a day or two, very especially on free-to-play games where that's the only way to afford playing more or less competitively without resorting to mom's credit card, is a surefire way to make kids feel like the end of the world when they can't connect for the day.

Rick Astley. I never really got the point of people getting mad at Never Gonna Give You Up, if anything getting rickrolled is a nice surprise to me.

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Blockchains are only useful in cases where non-repudiability (the ability to prevent users from denying that an event happened) is more important than any other factor. And there are preciously few cases where this is the case, the vast majority being related to audit - tracking receipts, votes, certificates, or similar attestations in an environment where no single party can be trusted. Disclaimer, I've worked in the past in projects related to the aforementioned - fortunately all of them related to the field of audit.

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This reminds me of the McFly ray tracing plugin for ReShade - turns out somebody else has already made an open-source alternative

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So what you're telling me is, that Johnson and his little Johnson measure the usage of each other's Johnsons?

As soon as Forgejo and Gitlab are able to share issue tracking between them, Github is so doomed in the open-source community

Calling it already, they're only moving to Steam to aid in the anti-monopoly argument so they can sell themselves to Microsoft

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Nightly user here, does this mean I no longer need to do the song and dance of manually adding my addons list to the browser anymore? Guess I can finally switch to stable!

Stack Overflow is unique as a page, in the sense that its contributions are under a license that allows for reuse (Creative Commons Share-Alike) as long as the individual users are properly credited. Does this mean that OverflowAI keeps the credit metadata and knows who wrote each individual part of an answer?

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I was using OG SearX for the longest time, it was only until very recently that I discovered that:

  • SearXNG was a thing
  • SearX had not been updated in years
  • and most importantly, that I had been stuck with the unmaintained edition without me even noticing

The headphone jack would be less painful of a loss if phone manufacturers started adding a second USB-C port on top of the device. That way you wouldn't have to choose between charging your phone, listening to your game without lag and in privacy, or carry a dongle to try doing both things at the same time.

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Hopefully that means the PC port is coming soon!

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Or buy a motherboard with dual slots and install one of each, hopefully you're made of money

I understand why is the device so expensive (they wanted to make sure that everyone in the manufacture pipeline is properly paid, and that the materials are ethically sourced as much as humanly possible) but yeah, unless I can be absolutely sure that I won't be changing devices in the next five years, I don't think I'll be able to afford this one.

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That's why the concept of artificial intelligence is so appealing to them - having a compilation of all human knowledge, without actually having to deal with humans claiming "nonsense" like human rights and a livable wage.

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Well, if I couldn't afford a subscription service before, now I absolutely can't. Problem is I'm too much of a goody two-shoes and as a result I don't pirate either - I genuinely haven't seen a single TV series in almost a decade as a result, and at this point I'm scared of people expecting me to understand cultural references I can't afford to legally learn

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Well, time to capitulate to Big Energy

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Purchasing a self-hosted server to avoid having to pay a truckload of money in storage space. Well, not only did I have to rent a smaller VPS anyways to bypass my ISP restrictions on incoming traffic (curse you CG-NAT!) but I also managed to brick two $100-ish microservers in two different attempts to patch them against BIOS vulnerabilities. If I ever manage to get the circuitry to save those devices though, they might work as a nice TV box each

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Just add Winget with an UI to have a proper package manager and we're in

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Paying for content: fair enough

Paying almost A THOUSAND DOLLARS A YEAR for content: barely worth it

The Creative Commons Zero / Public Domain Dedication / CC0 is the closest thing to a legally enforceable antonym of copyright.

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Speculative economic instruments. There's a reason why specific items, such as onions in the US, have been banned from being essentially bet on.

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I'm surprised that Twitch still doesn't allow users to upload pre-made videos besides of channel intros. Amazon has the technical infrastructure to actually compete with YouTube on its own turf, and they decide to just limit themselves for no particular reason

Well that's a record, not a single positive score in sight from any of the accounts

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Unfortunately, the places where you can go are an ever-decreasing list. Some Nordic countries, a few EU ones, that's about it. Fascism is growing into a majority in literally the rest of the world.

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GrapheneOS requires specific safety hardware that, as of now, is usually available only on the Google Pixel line of phones. If your standard smartphone doesn't include it, I doubt a car does.

Imagine if the players actually follow suit and the result is a country like, say, Nigeria becoming a superpower in rugby in a few decades

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Calling Twitter his "son" is not the most accurate of parallels though

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