Porn is harder to access to No Stupid – 183 points –

Why the hell is every app and program out there just being prude bitches and making porn harder to access?


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My lemmy feed has so much porn that I had to turn on the filter

How do you do that? I thought I had one on, but I still see sooooo much porn that it makes scrolling uncomfortable in public. I have young kids, so I have to make sure they aren't in the room if I am scrolling cause too often it's a random obscene naked chick or dick that is really not all that tasteful of an image.... lol and no, I am not prude, but the porn on lemmy I have seen is really...subpar lol 😅

If content is still getting through even if you set the filter in your account settings correctly, you can also hide or blur nsfw content on the app you're using. Most (if not all) 3rd apps out now have a nsfw filter.

Thank you! I'm using connect, but I have noticed it lags on a lot of features. What is a good 3rd party that is the most popular right now.

I’m on IOS so I unfortunately don’t know what to recommend for Android, however my favorite app right now is Thunder, which I believe is cross platform.