How to get into private trackers
Hello, I am new here and am wondering where and how to learn and get into private torrent trackers?
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Hello, I am new here and am wondering where and how to learn and get into private torrent trackers?
That's the best part, you can't
You absolutely can. A good portion of popular trackers have periodicall open signup events. Torrentleech has fairly often open signups. It's big so it isn't that easy to build up your ratio when you're a drop in an ocean, but when you do it can open doors for some more prestigious trackers, although TL should be enough in 99% of cases if you aren't into some (less popular) niche content. Watch r/opensignups on reddit if it's still alive and soon enough you'll be on too many trackers.
I think /r/opensignups closed after the blackout
Theres r/trackersignups and the telegram channel r/opensignups migrated to of the same name.
Thanks for the info!
I just checked trackersignups and found something spicy :)
It seems like r/opensignups telegram channel is just a bot posting the contents of /r/opensignups to it. So it is dead as well.
Try searching it on telegram for the one with the deluge icon.