Is revanced YouTube safe? to – 13 points –

I'm using NewPipe but some functionalities are lacking. Looked at revanced but unsure about it's reputation. Also, will I get banned by using a modded YT client? Thanks.


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Its mostly safe if you compiled it from or from

As for account bans, I've been using it after vanced died and my accounts (including that has purchases) wasn't banned so maybe its a regional thing(?), I can't 100% tell.

PS: if you decided to give it a try and use your accounts, make sure to use the "vanced" version of microg, idk why but vanilla microg doesnt work with revanced in my experience

Any trusted auto CI build linked to an F-Droid repo for management and update?

The manager/patcher app probably but the actual revanced app itself you're supposed to patch yourself. I believe this is to sidestep the copyright/redistribution issues with youtube that vanced had

So just a private CI build with a private f-droid repo for the revanced app