Free Palestine 🇵🇸

@Free Palestine 🇵🇸
3 Post – 774 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Definitely don't go to and definitly don't join the ! community. Also don't visit, or You probably also wouldn't want to check out or

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Or you can use any of these solutions:

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Some solutions:

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Some solutions:

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Some solutions:

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I think something might be wrong with your Neovim if it aggregated 70 gigs of log files.

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This reminds me of Elon Musk when he started artificially slowing down links to websites he doesn't like...

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For 1400 bucks you can get a really nice Framework Laptop. And when it breaks, you don't have to spend 1400 on a new one or 2000 on a overpriced repair that can only be performed by the manufacturer, you can actually repair everything yourself!

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Droid-ify is a much nicer client for F-Droid.

Obtanium for downloading apps from various other sources.

Aurora Store for anonymously downloading apps from the Play Store without a Google account

LibreTube or NewPipe for watching YouTube videos without ads or tracking.

Seal for downloading YouTube videos.

Retro Music Player - probably the best looking music app for Android.

Pano Scrobbler - a FOSS app for, and Listenbrainz. (I recommend Obtanium to download it from GitHub.)

Murglar for downloading Music in full quality from Deezer.

Molly - a better Signal client. (You can use Obtanium to download it from GitHub, you can add their F-Droid repo or download it using Accressent, a new experimental app store that seeks to replace F-Droid.)

Gallery - a simple gallery app that looks good and respects your Material You theme.

Element X is a much better Matrix client than the standard Element app. (I recommend downloading it from GitHub using Obtanium.)

LinkSheet - a small app that restores the old Android URL link chooser. It has many great features like the ability to remove tracking parameters from URLs or using FastForward to annoying bypass URL shorteners.

UntrackMe - a tool that can redirect YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, etc. links to privacy-friendly alternative frontends like Invidious or Piped for YouTube, Nitter for Twitter and LibReddit or Teddit for Reddit

Thunder, the best Lemmy client I ever used.

Most of the apps I mentioned are free and open source and many of them are available on F-Droid. They don't collect or sell any of your data.

The last one is not an app, but an entire OS that can replace the spyware-infested ROM that's preinstalled by your phones' manufacturer. I'm talking about GrapheneOS. No ads, no tracking, no proprietary Google services. Just free and open source software with maximum privacy and security. It's so great!

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Thanks! Every time someone tells me they are having issues with their Windows computer I will refer them to this official Microsoft guide.

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Tor is not meant for torrenting, so improvements to torrenting on Tor will never be made.

uBlock Origin should prevent this, other ad-blockers might not have these bypass mechanisms.

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Just wanted to mention that Firefox and Mull for Android allow you to do that. They are also much better than Chrome or any Chromium based browser, as they allow proper adblockers and they don't support Google's monopoly on the browser rendering engines which is just bad for the open internet in general. Mull also significantly improves your privacy by using many patches from the Tor Browser.

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When the US supports it, it's not genocide anymore. It's just becomes "self-defense".

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destroyed earlier this month by Israeli forces

I'm not surprised. Israel loves attacking civilians and their infrastructure. They are no different than Russia, but for some reason the majority of western countries support Israel.

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Oh no, how unfortunate. Sadly, we don't have alternative YouTube clients like Invidious or Piped that can be used with LibRedirect to automatically redirect all YouTube links to these alternative front-ends. And unfortunately, you can't use LibreTube or NewPipe on Android, as well as Yattee with this guide on iOS, iPadOS and tvOS or SmartTubeNext on Android TV.

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Just use a proper ad-blocker like uBlock Origin in combination with a browser like Firefox or LibreWolf that supports proper ad-blocking extension. Fuck this Chromium garbage that deprecated MV2 because Google is scared of adblockers. Don't support Google's monopoly on browser rendering engines and use Firefox or something even better like LibreWolf.

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Google most certainly is spyware

Just like every single bit of Huawei software, they just send your data to the Chinese government instead lol

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"Zionism = Fascism"
"Your neutrality/apathy is enabling genocide"
"Free palestine"

If you call this anti-semetic, you actually deserve to get kicked out. None of the messages even mention Jews, but Zionists can't accept any form of criticism so they just call everything antisemitic.

Fuck Zionists

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Use Firefox or LibreWolf

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Google is a virus. Just like all the chinese spyware you find on a Huawei phone.

Some solutions:

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Great reminder for people to run a node at home. I run 2 nodes at my house along with dozens of relays (including exit nodes) on different VPS providers. It's not that complicated, you basically just need a spare computer that can run 24/7 and an internet connection. It greatly helps the Tor network and the people in countries like Russia, China, Iran, etc. who rely on Tor in order to bypass censorship and safely browse the open internet. You can watch this video on the topic of running Tor relays at home:

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You can just disable Google Safe Browsing in the settings.

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YouTube can go screw themselves, use Invidious or Piped to access YouTube. You can also combine this with LibRedirect to automatically redirect all YouTube links to Invidious or Piped. There are amazing mobile clients like LibreTube or NewPipe for Android and Yattee with this guide for iOS. All of these don't have ads or trackers.

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The Free Software Foundation Europe has an awesome initiative called Public Money Public Code where they try to convince lawmakers to use as much open source software as possible when using public funds. I really hope they succeed.

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Unless you use GrapheneOS this is true. But iPhones aren't any better. GrapheneOS is the only solution.

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Signal is finally delivering the stuff we have all been waiting for. First, they implemented post quantum cryptography in the protocol in September, then we got message editing, and now we will finally get usernames. Awesome!

Edge is the worst recommendation I've ever seen in my life

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Firefox has a really nice reader mode, it will soon get a much better PDF viewer and it doesn't come with much bloat. You can also use LibreWolf to fully minimize bloat in Firefox and enjoy the additional privacy benefits.

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Stay away from this garbage. Use BleachBit.

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It doesn't seem to be a public website

All of my personal tools like nextcloud and RSS reader were blocked

Hmm, weird. Using an ad-blocker is basic security advice at this point because Google and other ad companies don't vet their advertisers properly, so malware or phishing often makes its way into ads. But yes, believe Google's lies and stop using an ad-blocker for "security reasons". Honestly, these shitty big tech corporations should just go fuck themselves.

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I thought a more advanced distro, that is still stable, would be good overall. However, not getting new software for a long time sounds quite annoying.

Arch is actually not as bad as many say. It's pretty stable nowadays, I even run Arch on some servers and I never had any issues. It gives you the benefits that you can basically find any package in the AUR and everything is up-to-date. Try it out, if you don't like it, you can still switch to something else.

I’m wanting to challenge myself to get much better with Linux, partitioning, CLI, CLI tools

The best way to learn the CLI is to use it. Try not to use your graphical file manager for a while and only interact with the file system through the terminal, that teaches you a lot.

I’ve been considering installing Arch the traditional way, on my X220, as a way to force myself to improve. Is this a good way to learn more about Linux and a Linux system in general?


I always hear good things about the Arch Wiki.

It is truly fantastic.

Is there any other tips someone can give me, to sharpen my Linux skills?

Use the system, don't be shy, try different things out. If you are scared that you might break something, try it out in a VM. Break your VM and try to fix it. That teaches you a lot.

I was even considering trying out Gentoo on my X220, but the compiling times sound painful.

I would not recommend that, updating packages will take ages, it's not a great experience.

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Based Firefox

Get a Pixel, install GrapheneOS.

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Discord is an absolute piece of garbage, it's not a good messaging app, definitely not a good place to host a community (seriously, I don't understand why some communities saw Discord as an alternative after the Reddit API changes), and most importantly, it's spyware. The company doesn't have a business model and it was founded by a guy who is notorious for creating random shit that's not economically sustainable at all. I don't understand why anyone would use this shit. This video outlines everything that's wrong with Discord:

Switch to Revolt or Matrix

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Oh no, there will be small local taxi companies instead of some random multi-million dollar corporations, how bad! And people won't have to download their trashy apps that are filled with trackers.

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