Google app being flagged as a virus by Huawei phones to – 365 points –
Google app being flagged as a virus by Huawei phones

I'm seeing a lot of reports from users of Huawei and Honor devices have reported that their phones are incorrectly identifying Google apps as Trojan malware, specifically labeled as TrojanSMS-PA. According to the alert, this "malicious software" has the ability to send SMS messages without user consent.


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Google most certainly is spyware

Just like every single bit of Huawei software, they just send your data to the Chinese government instead lol

US government having a US citizens data is worse than China having a US citizens data. Not that either scenario is ideal. But the kicker is that both probably have your data anyway.

I don't recall anyone mentioning the USA?

I''m not in that country, and Google's spyware collecting data for the USA is just as concerning to me as China doing the same, neither country can be trusted to have my nation's best interests at heart.

I also don't recall anyone mentioning China before the poster above him too though. Considering the post mentions Google and Huawei, both are close to their government, mentioning their country was inevitable but only one gets precedence over the other.

Your concerned comments only appearing when you want to defend someone doesn't exactly make you an unbiased.

But your post getting more votes definitely shows where the biases lie. So lose the veil of "both sides".