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Joined 11 months ago

Who is Queen Dildo, please?

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Thanks. Her wiki is... Interesting.

They always do. Its frustrating and disgusting.

I believe it means they will call you when they want you to work, but wont guarantee 25 hours a week ect. It will make it much harder for already struggling casual workers to make ends meet.

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Thats probably what they want. Less education seems to be what they are working towards.

Cheaper too.

Is that a valid and enforceable clause though, even if i clicked "i agree"?

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Not for longer than isreal has.

I realised it was from eating sugar and carbs (especially a 600ml coke and white rice) and so stopped eating as much carbs.

How did they prove that? (genuinely asking, not being sarcastic)

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Who can buy more than before? I can't. Fuel, mortgage, insurance, food, alcohol, electricity, entertainment, services ect have all gone up way more than my wage has. Mortgage alone means i have less money each month than before interest rates and inflation went up.

In Australia we watched American ISPs do exactly that and then we did the exact same thing with the exact same result because our politicians are corrupt pieces of shit with no backbone, integrity or ethics.

And yet getting caught with weed, otherwise legal or not, immediately ensures your guns ate removed (as far as i know as a non American)

Have you read Terry Pratchetts book Thud? It touches on that briefly. For what its worth i agree with you. Nothing else makes sense. Especially when so many vocal homophobes get caught having same-sex fun.

People should unionise anyway. Even if ots a good place to work

Lethal weapon vibes.

It looks like the demo was a limited time event. On steam at least. It seems an odd choice to remove a demo for a game people seem to enjoy.

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I dont have any advice, but this is well written, i like how you phrased things and i hope you find your person/people/hug. Good luck.

America has some great food, people and nature, at least in my opinion as someone visiting from Australia. I think its just the political people and yhe majority of cops that suck.

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After an earlier Lemmy/reddit comment, im buying a second electric coffee grinder for Dried Mushrooms and Chillis.

Im in Australia, but we had three girls join our under 16 rugby league team years ago because there was no girls teams. Noone had a problem with it as far as i remember.

We have a housing shortage in Australia, but besides that, we'd love to welcome a lot of you here. Its slightly more sane at least.

Together at last!

You're a legend, thanks for taking the time to reply, i appreciate it.

Target fixation.

Isnt it literally Treason? Again?


We definitely have currawongs in qld. At least here on the Gold Coast.

No company either.

I love the fence analogy.

But not the one fate had in mind

Not sure what you have against Furries. Id rather hang out with 100 Furries for eternity than a Christian for a week.

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Also a Philippines stew with pork and liver. (but i doubt many fillipinos are named Jesus.)

And thats if rich and powerful people /organisations didn't catch on that one individual was costing them money/business ventures and have that individual killed.

In this case, lettice is a persons name, not the vegetable spelt similarly.

Well done.

Hey, do you have any suggestions on where i can read more on your first two paragraphs please?

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Thank you for the non paywall link.