22 Years of Drone Warfare and No End in Sight

TokenBoomer@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 26 points –
22 Years of Drone Warfare and No End in Sight



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I will simply finish with the fact that you do not understand why the laws of war exist. If we could outlaw war, we would. War is disgusting. The laws of war are agreements that minimize suffering with little tactical or strategic benefit. They are not intended to save civilians regardless of context or benefit.

I have not changed the argument. It started in the context of drone warfare. My own link does not say what you are claiming and you are yet to provide an actual line that supports your argument.

You are dancing around your claims. I will not respond further unless you cite and quote from an international agreement that the relevant parties are signatory to. This is a very basic thing you should be able to do. When you cannot, please walk away knowing you are slightly more knowledgeable on international law and the rules that govern military conflict.

My intent here wasn't to be a gotcha or convince you that war is good. It's simply to educate. I have had related discussions with Harvard legal professors and their frustrations with students not understanding them intent behind this legal framework. It's certainly less understood now on both sides of the Ukraine conflict than it was during the GWOT bit even then it felt like an uphill battle.

The fact that you think laws of war are “not intended to save civilians” just demonstrates your stubborn ignorance of history and law. I’m not going to waste time teaching someone International Relations from scratch and distilling in depth topics into a Lemmy post that you’re just going to ignore since you’re so confidently incorrect and are ignoring anything that doesn’t confirm your pre-existing beliefs.

For someone who claims to have spoken to Harvard professors, that’s stunning ignorance you’re showing everyone. Go and read your own link because you clearly haven’t absorbed any of it, and are just emotional because you have soldier friends and wanna put their well being over those of civilians. Peace.

Got it, so you can't. I don't expect you to change your mind in the middle of an argument but do please consider this in future reading.

I knew you that fragile that you always needed to have the last word. Educate yourself on why the Geneva Conventions were created and what they were intended to solve. The fact that you think it wasn’t meant to spare civilians means you need to go back to school and start on page 1.

Edit: and then you go and edit your posts to pretend you’re less emotional.

Personal insults assuming that I'm not extremely educated on this topic and have made decisions based on these that were routed through a legal review. I actually find this a little entertaining. By all means, continue.

I’m not the one writing silly replies and then deleting and reposting new ones to fake sounding like the more enlightened one.

Nobody “extremely educated on this topic” would write something as breathtakingly dumb as claiming Geneva Conventions were never intended to save civilians. They’re centered on protections for civilians, non-combatants, the land of non-combatants, areas where wars are prohibited to protect civilians, and so on. It’s obvious to anyone who actually studied the topic that you’re BSing and a fraud. I don’t have to show you my international politics degree to call you out on it or paste in my papers on the topic because I know you won’t accept it no matter how much of the actual conventions I post. But you’re predictable; you’ll still insist on the last word and find a way to demean a stranger on the internet like me in the hopes that others around you think maybe you’re smart or knowledgeable because you claim you went toe-to-toe with someone at Harvard (conveniently without witnesses). Want me to clap?

I have not modified or deleted any of my comments. Are you okay?

Here’s a hint; when you write a reply, I get a copy of it as a notification until you delete that reply. So I see you spouting off until you realize how bad you look and delete it and then reply again with something calmer. You’re not fooling anyone once you get called out on the behavior. Edit: everyone watch as he must have the last word and defend his ego from attack or criticism.

I replied twice to one comment but I did not delete the other one. Look for yourself. You make a lot of claims without actually fact checking. Keep going, I haven't had a climax this big since the last baby I ate. I'm close.