No Longer About Kids: Florida Judge Allows Trans Adult Ban For Large Swaths Of Care to – 102 points –
No Longer About Kids: Florida Judge Allows Trans Adult Ban For Large Swaths Of Care

Key takeaway from the article for me was this paragraph:

"The stark reality is now inescapable: legislations targeting the medical care of transgender adults have taken root, despite the claims of anti-trans activists that they are trying to “protect children” with these laws. Florida's new provisions represent the first significant restrictions on trans adult care to fully materialize."


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The whole premise that trans healthcare isn't "deeply rooted in our nation’s history and tradition" would seem to apply to an awful lot of modern healthcare. Florida should also decide that, say, hair transplants, penis pumps, and Viagra are not constitutional. Funny how modern healthcare is fine when it's something old, rich, white men want to have, but not when it's something trans people need.

Just thinking that I can listen to the radio and hear an ad for ED pills. And they are also available without an in person doctor office visit. I wonder if they advertise in Florida.

Note: I am pro telehealth. I have no issue with ED pills being prescribed via phone or video call and shipped to you.

Oh yeah they've always balked at access to medically necessary items like tampons, birth control pills, and whatnot but oh no gotta keep those hard-ons well into your 80s...

They want to breed as much cannon fodder as possible for their holy war.

Yeah, I have no problem with telehealth either, as long as access to healthcare is available to all. It's just the double standards that are really annoying me here, because the constitution mentions Viagra exactly the same number of times it mentions trans people.

But I suppose it's pretty futile expecting right wingers not to be inconsistent, illogical hypocrites.