6 Post – 188 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The pan-leftist your parents warned you about.

Reddit Mastodon

They're banking on the 6-3 conservative majority being willing to use their power.

When organized labor is crushed, what comes next is never pretty (see: 1930s Germany).

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Lmao this is the guy that first lead to them banning the communities right?

Love that seems to be making their moderation strategy based off of a troll with at least 4 alts....

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An internet devoid of unacceptable "deviations" from gender and sexuality too. Given the effort to erase trans and gay people from public spaces, this seems like a parallel effort to destroy their digital ones too.

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I wonder how many former pro-lifers this will create as people watch their younger siblings, cousins, and other loved one's childhoods have their lives utterly ruined because they bought into theocratic propaganda about "the unborn".

Every time something like this happens it should be proof that it was about control and cruelty towards women and girls.

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Hopefully, that won't be the case much longer in Ohio with November's ballot question. (the GOP just failed to make it harder to pass by trying to make all constitutional amendments require 60% to pass after polling showed it would by 58%)

"actually, it's about protecting MY kids, who I would NEVER let this happen to, who fucking cares about some OTHER parent's child?"

So a fascist governor is trying to train a militia that answers only to him? Brownshirts anyone?

I see Tennesee's wannabe dictators are at it again. The GOP does not want to govern it wants to rule.

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We hear this literally every election

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LMAO of course it does, Elon is using the site to specifically foment disinformation and support right wing politics.

Republican legislative leaders aren’t taking up significant any gun control changes, including the governor’s push to keep guns away from people judged to pose a threat to themselves or others.

They'll be damned if anyone is gonna call em out on their bullshit, especially a person of color.

These laws seem ripe for exploitation by contrarian little shits who hate this bullshit and have nothing to lose if they get sued. Amtrak is in Texas – does it count if you're driving them to the station? What if you go off-road? Plus, if I get in my car with someone, what's to stop me and my abortion-seeking friend from driving through the town without stopping? How would anyone have cause to suspect me? If I get pulled over somehow, then this law can't apply, right? It's specifically private citizens.

Since it relies on people suing you, I feel like it leaves a lot of avenues open for someone with the right resources to fight in court.

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Literally. Oh, it's too long to do it one by one? Maybe prioritize then? Confirm 2-3 of the biggest promotions in order to prevent the Senate from abdicating it's Constitutional responsibility and ceding control of the military entirely to the executive.

I really don't care about US military readiness but I do value checks and balances, and right now the Senate is refusing to serve as one.

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I came here to comment this. I'm glad this was at the top when ranked "hot" for me. Every time I see a headline like this I die a little inside, I'm so sick of this naive attitude in general society when dealing with theocrats.

Important to know is that this is only possible because someone from a +19 Democrat district got elected, then flipped parties. So not only is this overriding a governor in order to Rule over their Betters, someone outright betrayed their constituents to do so.

Also, it's never ACTUALLY about parental rights and protecting children. Plenty of parents want their kids to grow up believing that there is nothing inherently sexual about a naked body, or about women, but their perspective and rights never seem to be considered.

Think about how the reactionaries in control of many US states banned Drag Queen story hours and the like from libraries and schools, saying that it should be up to parents if they want their kids to go to them, only to then classify all drag shows as obscene and restricted to 18+.

"Both are evil" rhetoric is often used to justify or obfuscate one sides crimes, and because on the broader scale, Israel unfolds destruction and death at a higher scale, so there's a lot of intense emotions from thise keyed into Palestinian struggle. That's why so many want you to pick.

It is important to remember Hamas ≠ Palestinians, and Israeli government ≠ Israeli citizens. Yes, they live in a colonial state, but Hamas doesn't care if they try to fight to change it or not, furthermore, most left leaning people are in colonial states or in former colonizing states so they are basically saying they think violence against them is justified too. Everyone should be aware of their privileges and work to dismantle the systems that create them, but that doesn't mean they need be killed in order to realize that!

It's ridiculous because you're absolutely right too, Israeli calling them all "human animals" and doing a total blockade of Gaza is a war crime, but so is what happened to Shani Louk. In the world I am fighting for, the people responsible for both would be held accountable.

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Well yeah, they hate the idea of planned parenthood. The desirables of society are supposed to be married expressly for the purpose of bearing children, and anyone else is supposed to have it thrust upon them whether they're ready, want it or not.

Ideological decisions don't care about precedent.

What nooo you're supposed to hate trans people enough to sacrifice personal freedoms and liberty!

It would still suit their national campaign

God, my memory of them from when I was a kid is such that this would be a scandal in 2004. Do you think they were always like this? I don't.

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The hottest take is that the voting age should automatically slide to be the youngest age someone has been tried as an adult in the justice system...

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I think that people are more upset that it was done only after a troll complained about it on the support or admin community.

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Oh yeah they've always balked at access to medically necessary items like tampons, birth control pills, and whatnot but oh no gotta keep those hard-ons well into your 80s...

Nah, they were even more gung-ho about the invasion than regular Russians.

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I just wanna pop in and state that this is a feature and desired impact of the anti-abortion movement.

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It's all above board probably in the most literal sense. The State Guard would have to be called up and do something really heinous for any legal action to happen I think.

It's quite fascist though. All his actions as governor come straight out of the 1930s.

Well then he HAS made the college conservative if the studsnts are fleeing, opening up the space for their preferred students. Headline makes it sound like he failed.

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I love how they want us to constantly buy and consume yet despise the idea of paying us money to actually be able to do so...

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"NHL caves to bigots, let's them win"

While I didn't support the performance move anyway, this sends a message that homophobia is a big enough influence in their sport to dictate policy.

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while I get and in many ways agree with the sentiment, it is truthful to assert that there was a time when if the Republican Party lost elections, they would actually change their platform and try to win back voters. As American popular culture has shifted more and more to the left, however, now that it's pretty much unthinkable for the electoral map of 1984 to happen again, and they see it as an existential threat.

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"we're under a fascist insurgency and we must ensure that the GOP doesn't gain the White House, this is why we must vote for a politician who refuses to do anything to prevent this insurgency from gaining strength like expanding the court or making abortion available on federal land and who refused to use their constitutional authority to prevent giving the House GOP any concessions on the budget/debt ceiling"

Thing is, if this continues to be a problem and if the userbase/admins of instances are organised, we can shift those priorities. They may not have envisioned this being a problem with the work they decided to work on for the next several months. Truly, the solution is to get more developers involved so that more can happen at once.

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I've been seeing a lot of reactions to this news that range from "Haha, get what you fuckin' deserve you fucking wannabe tradwives" to "oh sure, NOW they can't stomach being in the Republican party now that they've been impacted" and I totally get it, but I primarily see an opportunity to use this to start to get them to critically evaluate their worldview and beliefs by pointing out how its the result of the things the left opposes.

Honestly kinda legendary

Absolutely. Anyone under 30-40 pretty much only knows the GOP as the party of "Obama is a MMUSL1M!1!!!", but like, it was the Nixon Administration that created the EPA. It's also difficult because much of the economic issues we've experienced from 2008 onwards are because of the Clinton Administration, so the "both parties are the same" argument can be pretty compelling. You could definitely make the argument that in the 90s, they were, but Beau of the Fifth Column on YouTube put it well:

You walk into a bar to find an ATM while on a road trip with your very visibly-queer friend. The bar is full of MAGA hats. Do you feel comfortable leaving your friend out front while you look for the ATM, and maybe take a leak? Now imagine the bar is full of "Vote Blue no Matter Who" shirts.

yeah same, only like half of the videos load or play.

Such an idea is impossible anyways, because to ensure a benevolent society you need to incorporate the wide range of viewpoints and experiences of the people within it, something a dictatorship, by definition, precludes.