Ron DeSantis tried to make a Florida college conservative. Now the students are fleeing. to politics – 656 points –
Ron DeSantis tried to make a Florida college conservative. Now the students are fleeing.

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Well then he HAS made the college conservative if the studsnts are fleeing, opening up the space for their preferred students. Headline makes it sound like he failed.

Exactly. It’s the entire point. He want all those liberal voters gone. It doesn’t matter if only a fraction of students stay. If those are all conservatives the county the college is in has turned solid red.

Sadly, the article is mistaken (in terms of “failing”). They started an athletics program where none existed before, so they more than made up for lost academic students and replaced them with student athletes. New enrollment spiked so high, in fact, that hey actually had a housing shortage due to too many students, and had to provide emergency housing off campus in local hotels.

His plan worked for its intended purpose- to scare away any LQBTG identifying (or even LQBTQ tolerating) students and staff, and replace them with less tolerant people.

At some point (potentially not for years) one would think degrees from colleges like this one (plus places like Liberty, Bob Jones, etc) in a lot of fields would be greatly depreciated.

I wouldn't hire someone from one of these places if I saw it on a resume