Say goodbye to self-serve soft drinks at McDonald's to – 163 points –
Say goodbye to self-serve soft drinks at McDonald's

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I've been saying this for years now.

Within 20-30 years, most things as we know it will be automated.

And so on.

The point isn't that the tech is good now - it isn't. Wal-Mart didn't keep their stocking robots. The AI lawyer got in a tremendous amount of legal trouble. AI journalism has been rolled back after quality issues.

But do you think the technology will stay this bad?

Like, remember what phones were like in 2003? People still had landlines. The closest thing to a smartphone was a Blackberry (which came out in 2002). 3G networks were brand-new (and spotty). None of it was very good, yet they got better and better and now here we are 20 years later where smartphones are an indispensable part of daily life for most people.

What will automation look like in 2043? 2053? That's within our lifetime. What kind of jobs will today's kindergartners have available to them when they reach their 20s and 30s?

There is nothing to indicate that automation will always be bad forever. There is money to be saved by cutting out the human element and replacing them with robots. It's looking more and more reasonable to invest in R&D that eliminates human jobs, in every industry - from Uber and DoorDash drivers to semi drivers to tutors to artists to cashiers. It's coming, and we have to think about how we're going to support all the people that won't have a job anymore.

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