Lyft now lets drivers prioritize matches with women and nonbinary riders to – 120 points –
Lyft will let you prefer who picks you up

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A dispassionate authority is more effective at protecting local communities from predators, but at what price? Unfortunately that dispassionate authority also has little compassion for the poor and marginalized people it rules and even less accountability to them. I’m also more afraid of the Orwellian police state being proliferated by the marriage of federal law enforcement and multinational corporations than criminals in my neighborhood. Those people breaking the law in my neighborhood probably need better access to mental healthcare instead of long sentences in federal prisons handed down by said dispassionate authority.

Our justice system is a POS but fixing it is the only reasonable path forward. Community "justice" is how we got lynchings. It was and would continue to be a horror.

I highly recommend Howard Zinn’s book “A People’s History of the United States” to gain a better understanding of how and why such deplorable things took place in the US.