
0 Post – 105 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"Resources that would have gone into Ads and Rallies, will now have to be spent fighting these Radical Left Thugs in numerous courts"

Or you could spend your own money

“It is Election Interference, & the Supreme Court must intercede,”

That isn't how the court works you file in whatever court has jurisdiction then appeal if you have cause. It would be contrary to standards for them to even comment at this juncture.

If he wanted to campaign unimpeded he could have simply not committed the crimes he has openly admitted to on TV

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It does suck I'm presently suspended at the moment for abusing the report feature by reporting a Nazi supporting targeting Georgia grand jurors. Not only do they frequently not remove Nazis you can get suspended for reporting Nazis. I'm done with reddit for good. It's a cesspool like Twitter.

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The author is an idiot.

When someone comes to me asking how to get into Linux, they do not need to hear a laundry list of distributions to choose from.

Only techies ask anyone how they "get into Linux". Say it with me now. "People don't buy, buy into, get into, install, or use operating systems" They buy fuckin computers. It is perceptibly to virtually all non-techies a feature of the device.

There are a million types of cars but people manage to pick one and buy it same with breakfast cereals or shampoo because they are obligated to make a decision or go hungry, dirty, or walk everywhere.

People don't particularly like making decisions and they decided what OS they were going to use when they bought the computer and they have no intention of downloading an iso, write it to a USB, figure out how they boot from it, figure out the bios options they need to disable and what works differently than what they are familiar with.

You lost them around step 2 and lost all hope of moving forward unless the prize at the end is something much better than "does everything I used to do but differently"

The success of Chromebooks, android phones, and the steam deck is that it was driven by devices people wanted to use not an OS people wanted to use. If you want to see more Linux use that is the story you need to focus on.

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In the meantime, please always use Autopilot and FSD Beta as intended, which means with your hands on your steering wheels and your eyes on the road.

This isn't how people work if you aren't driving then your reactions will on average be substantially slower than if you were attending to the task directly and you have no reason to expect the sudden death wish. If you have to babysit it with your hands on the wheel poised to avert death at any moment it is fact much worse than nothing.

The cameras aren't on at all times. Employees are supposed to turn on the cameras to record abusive behavior by scumbags because the company found that people who were stealing were also abusive towards staff in 1 in 4 incidents. It's so employees have a record of the interaction. This also means when the thieving piece of shit makes fake complaints its even easier to ignore because the employee has proof.

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We were historically terrible at identifying predators and mostly let them alone to victimize or if their victims were less important destroyed victims lives as a matter of course leading to wide scale silence by victims.

We have less crime by far and prosecute more scumbags than we did 50 years ago.

Communities "handling" bad folks by individual violence never worked worth a shit because communities have always cared about whose more important than who is right and it doesn't meaningfully scale which is why it never worked worth a shit it real life.

In order to deal with shit heads you have to have a dispassionate authority whose job it is to prosecute shit heads who isn't politically bound to give a shit about your penny ante local bullshit and the expectation that local yokels will properly do their job and push shit up the food chain or be held accountable.

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If you don't know install a distro and use what comes with it by default and only worry about digging into the plumbing if something doesn't work for you.

Ideally you let your distro worry about plumbing.

I think Mint is nice if you don't need bleeding edge stuff. You can use Cinnamon which runs x11 but will eventually support Wayland.

I've heard good things about suse which has a rolling release option and supports gnome and KDE under Wayland.

Arch of course is a thing if you don't mind a manual transmission as it were.

Personally I might pick Mint to get started.

Are we suggesting that rich people who get a product for free and use it to forklift more piles of money into their scrooge mcDuck like vault ought to demand more accountability from the people who provided the free forklift.

How about they pay for that?

Title is irresponsible. It produces no ionizing radiation which is what the layman understands by the word radiation.

It produces 1.75 watts per kg over the standard. There is no reason to believe this has any effect whatsoever. it's not clear that the standard is based on anything meaningful whatsoever

Name of the school

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Why would you think soldering would increase performance vs socketed at all much less provide "much higher performance"

If soldered was the only option ans 6 skud was enough for everyone everyone would have to buy very expensive hardware to increase one spec instead of smart people getting to mix match and upgrade.

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The biggest Sin by far of Wayland is making users think about the graphics stack. Does this feature or this app support Wayland or X? Does this Compositor support this GPU? Does this particular environment support this mixture of displays with this DPI? Do I need to set a particular env variable or change a setting to force this app to start in Wayland mode because under X11 its scaled funky. What works in each environment? What doesn't work between environments?

Well before you reach the end of this flow chart you have lost virtually all of your users. This transition has single-handedly set the Linux desktop back by 20 years in terms of supporting more users whose level of interest in configuration is limited to clicking a control next to their monitor and making things bigger or smaller.

A saner design would have handled scaling correctly from the start and would have had a permissive mode which just made everything from the users perspective work while progressively adding a correct UI to provide features like global hotkeys, screen sharing, only to those apps users had authorized like android. If it wasn't a such a clusterfuck to use it would have had orders of magnitude more users much earlier in the development phase and perhaps attracted more development interest as well.

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Doing tech support, I encountered this attitude. People like that are nearly impossible to help. "Why can't you just fix it!" The true answer never given is that your problem is probably something stupid you are doing, like trying to make a phone call by physically shoving the phone entirely up your asshole, and until I run through some common problems and ask some questions, I won't be able to tell you to have your significant other get the salad tongs and pull it out of your rear and then go over "dialing."

People mostly need to be willing to gather detailed system info with Inxi and share it.

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It's painful because the developers took 14 years to produce something semi usable while ignoring incredibly common use cases and features for approximately the first 10 -12 years of development

Present wisdom is to design something that would work well on mobile first so single column and then make it work on larger screens the easiest way being to keep everything the same except for replacing ☰ with the actual nav menu at a certain width and setting a max width that keeps it looking like stretched out crap.

When I worked in the south we had a fellow that decided because he got fired by a black woman that everyone was a racist despite there being zero racial tension in the store other than his personal vendetta. He came back and tried to murder the most patently inoffensive skinny white dude in the the parking lot. He throttled him and was yelling he was an ___ lover because he was friendly with everyone. So its 1AM at Walmart and I go charging across the parking lot with zero plan. I ended up getting his attention then backpedaling at which point his victim had fled and he realized there was nothing else to do and ran off himself. I tried to give the cop the shirt that somehow rednecks feel like they need to shed before they "get physical" with someone and got only an offended look in return. They didn't even take a statement.

Same Walmart we had a fellow that was very clearly a recovering addict of some kind who want from hyper religious praise Jeebus to sullen and increasingly angry. He got to the point where he was showing up to get paid but wouldn't do much work and would ride his bike around the backroom. I remember him becoming convinced we were all Satanic because we were talking about a fantasy setting. He told us we need to find Jesus I quiped "Does he provide an experience bonus" Not long after that we had cops monitoring the exit to ensure nobody got murdered on the way out. I'm not sure exactly what he said when they fired him but I understand threats were made.

Same store there was the boss who turned on the electic door motor while I was fixing it causing the little hand crank to go flying across the room like a spear.

Then there was the fellow who would just NOT stop stealing shit like blatantly who was eventually at long last fired for stealing root beer.

Linux community is so inherently meritocratic that one can't meaningfully force anything upon any large group of them.

Even for developers, there is a very substantial cost to any deviation from the herd and little time or money for these projects. Factually a handful of companies run the Linux userspace and a handful of people run those companies.

You can go your own way but existing market share and resources matter more than quality or merit.

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You have a bunch of duplicated stuff because flatpak is a piece of shit. With traditional packaging apps supporting your platform would get exactly one choice. Support the fucking version of nvidia that everyone else gets to or fuck off. In all likelihood all your shit would work work with the most recent release but because they have the option to be lazy fucks and make you download Nvidia 7 times this is your life now. Also if dkms takes appreciable time you either need to stop running Linux on a toaster or delete some of the 17 kernels you are hoarding for some reason. You need like 2 the one that you know works and the new one you just installed.

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Are they so different that it’s justified to have so many different distributions?

Linux isn't a project its a source compatible ecosystem. A parts bin out of which different people assemble different things. The parts being open source means you don't need anyone's permission or justification to make something different out of them.

From these many and varied efforts comes life, vitality, interest, intellectual investment. You can't just take the current things you like best and say well what if we all worked on THOSE when many of them wouldn't even have existed save for the existence of a vital ecosystem that supported experimentation and differentiation.

If we really believed in only pulling together maybe you would be developing in cobol on your dos workstation.

Free open source software projects you don't pay for don't have paid support. If you talk to a fellow user it IS your job to figure out your problem. if you don't have the will to understand anything you ought to buy a support contract.

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It's not a conspiracy theory to imagine that IBM's vision for Linux compared to 2000s or 2010s era Linux is opaque, complicated, and enterprisey. It's who they are.

The grandparent comment

Linux community is so inherently meritocratic that one can’t meaningfully force anything upon any large group of them.

Is pure fantasy. Software projects are dictatorships of those willing to put in the work, not meritocracies. There is nothing immoral or wrong about this but we should be realists. The entire software ecosystem is dominated by oft shitty good enough solutions which people poured enough work into to solve problems well enough.

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If you use a GUI configuration tool for NetworkManger like virtually every user I don't know how that works. Odds are not well.

You don't inhale random things to see what happens what the hell is wrong with you.

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You aren't actually asking to how to bypass encryption because the key is already in memory. You are asking about the much simpler task of compromising a computer with physical access to same. Depending on configuration this can be as ridiculous as killing the lockscreen process or as hard as physically opening the case chilling the contents of ram enough that data survives transfer to different physical hardware. See also the massive attack surface of the USB stack.

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It produces zero radiation like a nuclear reactor and only a little more energy than WiFi. This energy's only effect is to heat adjacent tissue but much less than the actual heat produced.

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On most systems you can press a hotkey in grub to edit the Linux command line that will be booted and in about 7 keystrokes gain access to any unlocked filesystem. Asking how you can break into a system you physically control is like asking how many ways you could break into a house supposing you had an hour alone with a crowbar the answers are legion. No machine in someone else's hand which is unlocked can possibly be deemed secure.

Even dumber no installer will create such an insecure configuration because the people that design Linux installers are smarter than you.

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This already works on X and indeed has worked longer than Wayland has existed.

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I'm dubious of faster than life travel being for reasons beyond our understanding of physics. If there were a reasonable way to do so 1 race anywhere in the galaxy could have colonized the entire galaxy or at least a substantial portion thereof in only a few million years. If it is possible it seems to suggest that life is so rare that there are very few forms of higher intelligent life in the galaxy at any given time and probably relatively few ever.

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A few reasons. It's received wisdom that AMD are the good guys because in the Intel / AMD slog they are the underdogs fighting the good fight and bringing good affordable products to all vs intel who has historically behaved in a sleazy underhanded and anti-competitive fashion and when they bought ATi they moved ATi from a maker of shitty proprietary poorly supported pieces of shit to an open source friendly maker of acceptable GPUS.

Since Nvidia is the bad guy in that fight it would be handy if Nvidia was also badly supported buggy, inferior. The fact that Nvidia is actually more stable, well supported, and generally better is somewhat a fly in the ointment.

It's especially humorous when its coming from users of a permanent beta distro like arch where the kernel update process is that the new kernel is pushed extremely quickly after release. Expert arch users realize that means they are their own QA as far as out of tree modules. Actually stable distros express what is known to work as dependencies such that you trivially get something that is known to work when you press go. They also don't run the kernel release that was cut this morning.

Meanwhile users of arch derived distros, who may or may not claim to be running arch while believing their distro is ubuntu with faster updates yell that nvidia is broken when 6.3 doesn't work the day it was cut with nvidia using a driver that doesn't claim to support 6.3. The fact that this dependency is known but not encoded into arch packages isn't an Nvidia problem.

Even Manjaro a distro run by folks who once told their users to set their clocks back because they forgot to renew their SSL Cert figured out they can avoid almost as much trouble as smart people can avoid by actually reading by just being lazy and not pulling changes instantly.

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You have a competent grasp of the situation

Actually OEMS get money for including Windows because they include shovelware trials of crap like Norton that is of greater value than the reduced cost of Windows to the big players. If sold at difference in cost the decrapified Linux version would be more expensive not less.

Our justice system is a POS but fixing it is the only reasonable path forward. Community "justice" is how we got lynchings. It was and would continue to be a horror.

This is literally the exact bad attitude of your average Wayland proponent. The thing which has worked for 20 years doesn't work you just hallucinated it along with all the show stopper bugs you encountered when you tried to switch to Wayland.

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Most bugs aren't unconditionally experienced by all comers or they would have been fixed. It's entirely possible there are 17 horrible game breaking experience ruining bugs every single one triggered by a very specific combination of factors in a given work and out of millions of players one person to hit 5 and hate their life and many hit zero.

If you had bothered to read you would note they mention concrete defects that effected their playing not nits they were picking based on depth of experience.

Given extremely misery return policies if your game's profitability is actually materially harmed let alone destroyed by returns you might have released a broken piece of shit and need to blame yourself rather than customers who believed in you enough to at least initially put their money where their mouth is.

You see what others don’t and this doesn’t help you feel positive about products.

Its a fucking game. If it doesn't make you forget about it being a "product" and divert your attention from the reality for a few hours its developers have wholly and completely failed.

your professional mind deformation

Did this sound like how humans talk when you said it?

I ask QAs questions like your fantasy to find out whether the person is able to perceive different work aspects from a business perspective

You try to hire people who are literal soulless robots who think about the money that can be made from convincing people to pay you to shovel shit into their brain instead of having fun.

. This is very important to discover in an interview to filter the red flag attitude

Holy shit you might actually eventually hire someone who gives a fuck

I wish you the best, OP.

I just said you were a piece of shit nobody should hire but I totally "wish you the best". If its a person you ought to avoid hiring its a person who walks into a legit conversation, shits all over it, insults people, and talks like a fucking robot.

Can you possibly keep your negativity to yourself if you have nothing useful to contribute next time?

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Exactly the situation described. It's possible to fix that process but too many entrenched interests render this impossible

Sway doesn't have a functional Xwayland implementation insofar as it doesn't handle mixed/high DPI

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pipewire seems ready for primetime but I'm more dubious about Wayland. For instance KDE appears to still be a bit flaky and sway still works poorly under Nvidia and will never have proper mixed DPI for xwayland apps. Still seems like a tradeoff vs X which doesn't require a compromise. XFCE is roughly 10% of Mint users. Mint users are unlikely to switch because of wayland support

You just said you don't experience any of the issues I sometimes see on the internet then proceed to describe how an app you use didn't work out of the box, you were able to work around the issue, and then it broke for a reason you don't understand. You follow this up with the number one frustration: Screen sharing being broken.

You forgot mixed DPI being broken on everything but very recent KDE used by around 15% of Linux users. It's not like buying a monitor at worst buy and plugging it into your laptop which has a different DPI is an incredibly uncommon thing at this point.

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This is a common misunderstanding insofar as how encryption works. You can't flick a bit and TURN your storage unencrypted nor can you plausibly make your computer obey restrictions.

If your storage is encrypted it remains encrypted always including the file you have open right now. Your takes a plausibly length usable string and uses it to compute or retrieve the long binary number actually needed to decrypt your files. This number is stored in memory such that encrypted files can be decrypted when read into memory.

Once that key is loaded in memory anyone with 10 minutes and access to google could trivially unlock your computer in several different ways. It is virtually exactly like having no security whatsoever.

If you don't actually enter a passphrase to unlock you have no meaningful security against anything but the most casual unmotivated snooping.

Your little sister might not be motivated enough to read your diary but the dipstick that stole your laptop will definitely be spending your money.

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TLDR: 80s: On crack 90s: Being yourself, cool, swagger 2020s Alt right attempts to appropriate this to mean being an unapologetic douchnozzle
