Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Says Russia Acted In 'Good Faith' In Ukraine Invasion to World – 32 points –
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Says Russia Acted In 'Good Faith' In Ukraine Invasion

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said Wednesday he believes Russia acted in “good faith” amid the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine, adding the U.S., in fact, bore heavy responsibility for the ongoing war.


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Dude's an antivaxxer and now clearly a Russian pawn. I don't want to vote for Biden again but its beginning look like I don't have a choice... again. Love this two party system. /s

You could vote third party, but at that point you might as well not show up at all.

worse than that, you might as well vote for the other party at that point. yay two party system.

Seriously, which part of this is sarcasm?

This is why I hate the 2-party system. If you’re not voting for one of those 2, it really doesn’t matter.

Hopefully there's more movement on our electoral system like the ranked choice voting in a few states. It doesn't fix the problem, but it's a large step in the right direction.\

As much as I’d love another choice, Biden has at least done good this presidency and navigated the Russian crisis masterfully. Do I want someone younger, yes (dear god yes). Has he surprised me with how stable his presidency has been and the recovery of our standing in the international community? Yes.

I’m going to vote for him again because we don’t have a choice. A vote for a 3rd party will be as destructive as it was in 2016. I bought into the narrative from Russia that Hillary was awful and that I should vote for anyone else. Look what they brought us? I, like many I know, voted for Bernie to send a message to the DNC. I threw away my vote for Hilary and then Trump won.

Someone you just need a stable, sane candidate. We will get an exciting candidate again in the future. Let’s just keep steering the ship in the right direction for now.

Exactly. Imagine what this guy will do with a little power.

Reduce war and not try to force mass vaccinations? (Scary)