
1 Post – 25 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

While fucked up, it's disinguinuous suggest that the news is blowing up only due to the fact that they're billionaires. While large boat disasters are fairly uncommon, how often do you hear of a submarine disaster. Especially one where the inhabitants are missing but potentially on a timer - trapped in a submarine with no way to open from the inside, many peoples ultimate fear. The story writes itself, pile on what seems to be a neglectful company and you've got a story people are going to be invested in. I don't think the coverage or the search and rescue would be any different if it were a scientific submarine with scientists.

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If I believed that an antichrist could exist, I would be convinced it was Donald Trump. He is the opposite of what Christianity teaches yet somehow he's become their Messiah.

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I can't order Jimmy John's on my work computer anymore. Why? Because tiktok is blocked on our work network. What does tiktok have to do with Jimmy John's? Well I would have thought nothing expect it won't let you set your delivery option unless it's allowed to send data to analytics.tiktok.com.

Why is a God damn sandwich shop sending my location to tiktok? No idea, but it's definitely not just the video app that's the problem.

So far every website owner I've had issues with has been a billionaire capitalist, I'll give the communists a shot.

As someone from Indiana, Todd Young still fucking sucks - just not in the insurrection way.

Probably doesn't help that Teslas guess which direction you want to go in and you have to change it if it's wrong. https://www.autoblog.com/2021/01/28/tesla-new-gear-shifter-guesses-direction-you-want/

I've been sorting by 'Hot' recently, its a little more chaotic but it's definitely a fresher experience. Also I just found out you can hide read posts! Which has been a huge game changer.

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The game scratches an itch for me that no other video games has ever been able to. Really sucks that the devs are awful. Really hoping a good replacement game comes out sometime.

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Under your user settings on desktop, there's a "Show read posts" checkbox. I just unchecked it like 5 minutes ago but it seems to be working.

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Dude's an antivaxxer and now clearly a Russian pawn. I don't want to vote for Biden again but its beginning look like I don't have a choice... again. Love this two party system. /s

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Thank you! I feel like I'm the only person who lived through that time. Having everything on one site is way simpler, reddit sucks but that doesn't mean the concept does.

I do not miss having to sign up for a specific forum, wait for the email, no email, check spam folder, no email, 15 mins later email shows up in spam, go to post, "sorry you can't make a post without interacting with at least 5 other posts", post random shit on 5 other posts, finally get to post, "this question has been answered. Post archived "

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That's not true, there were several free antiviruses that were considered good back then. I'd say quality free antivirus were more popular in the mid-00s to late 00s than they are now after Windows defender got usable.

Still alive and going strong, only takes a couple weeks for them to update to the latest version of tarkov live. Some people even like to stay in tarkov.

Great news to have more options in the Enterprise Linux space in the future. Personally I'm going to keep running Alma at work since they've promised to keep working on security updates and watching the whole RHEL linux thing unfold.

I would eat fried chicken every day if it wouldn't kill me.

99% of the people in that office had absolutely nothing to do with the decision that upper management made. They are just working for a living. They didn't choose anything, they chose to not starve. Fuck off with punishing the entire work force for the greed of a few individuals.

Do you have nsfw posts turned off in your profile?

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As someone who has lived in Indiana for 31 years, if you actually talk to people without mentioning R or D, a large percentage of their values like up with Democrats. But as soon as you compare that to democratic policies, they immediately go into excuses for why they'd never vote for a Democrat. Abortion is really the only Republican policy that they support, and even then a lot of them still support it "but not the way the Democrats do, up to the moment before birth".

The issue is that Democrats practically ignore us here so there's no information campaigns to correct all the misinformation they get from Fox news and the like.

It's really frustrating going back to my rural bumfuck town and seeing all the legitimately good people who have been brainwashed into Republican support by friends and neighbors.

I also have been paying for Premium the last couple years and I completely agree. I get more value out of my premium subscription than I do Netflix or Max. Plus premium supports the creators more than ads do.

I'm not sure how they can say that with a straight face after the Redfall release.

I haven't used reddit for like 4 days which probably hasn't happened since I signed up. I'm planning on staying here. The reddit of today isn't like it was in 2011, it's exploded in popularity. If the vast majority people truly cared about poor social media business practices Facebook Meta wouldn't be around.

I never expected the blackout to kill reddit or even for them backout of the API changes (especially after the spez AMA). But I will say I'm surprised at the influx of people to lemmy, I started on lemmy 5 days ago and even since then there's been an explosion of content and discussion which has made it a viable alternative for me.

I was a huge lurker on reddit because it seemed like my voice would never be heard or that it was probably already said. I'm trying to break that on lemmy and I encourage everyone else to as well.

From what I've seen the read posts just disappear unless you check the box again. Let me know if you find something different!

100% agree, my favorite phone I've had was the BlackBerry Priv, the form factor was perfect for me. I had a KeyOne but a lot of apps didn't play well with the weird resolution screen.

I couldn't find another phone with a physical keyboard and a full sized screen so I'm now on a OnePlus 10 Pro but if there was another phone released with a physical sliding keyboard I'd be on top it immediately.

I had been a Baconreader Premium user for 10 years, kinda sad to see it go.

I think they had mostly worked on point-and-click games before Gollum. Clearly they weren't ready to scale up to a project as large as a LoTR title. Sad to see though nevertheless.

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