Human trials of artificial wombs could start soon. Here’s what you need to know. to – 97 points –
Human trials of artificial wombs could start soon. Here’s what you need to know

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Who the hell is getting bullied for being a test-tube baby?

We had all this shit in the 70s before the first IVF baby, and to the best of my knowledge, bullying over it has simply never been a thing.

Have you never heard of the very common meme, "Daddy went to get a pack of smokes and never came back"

Yeah, image that meme on steroids, "You don't even have a mother?"

... Have you honestly, genuinely never heard of test tube babies? Do you not realise we've had them since the 70s?

Think about that, then realise we had all this shit about "but the poor children" back then, for that, and none of it ever materialised because nobody gives a shit or ever knows the difference or cares at all.

It's no different than giving birth by c-section, or indeed vaginally. There is no difference.