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Joined 12 months ago

Jesus. I can from time to time, I used to be a regular on /r/canning. The attention to detail re food safety was one of the best things about the sub, as you really can kill yourself and others if you piss about.

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Slightly annoyed about this, as I do use Wordpad (it's lightweight and useful for quick notes that I want to mark up with bold and italic). I don't always want to watch Word or Libreoffice load for twenty to thirty seconds.

Shitty decision, happy to be Wordpad's one fan.

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As a counterpoint, I'd like to mention that people often scream "reading incomprehension" when actually, what they wrote was ambiguous or unclear.

Not saying you do this, just that I see this far more often than I see people misreading anything.

Some of them have a real thing for saying the Tiananmen Square massacre never happened and there's no evidence, too. I guess I just hallucinated those news reports at the time with screams and gunfire in the background.

Seems like only yesterday I was co-admining my first public server in 1996.

Fun times.


It's okay, we know you mean Jews.

Is there a reason this article bashes (adjusts glasses, checks) the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance in its opening para?

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Absolutely nobody I know is on Mastodon, and despite my efforts, they won't move because it's "scary" or "bad" or some bizarre shit.

Yes, I'm frustrated.

Japanese translators hate him!

No, really, they hate him.

I mean if they'd been voted in there wouldn't be a republican majority supreme court and roe wouldn't have been overturned in the first place.

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Doesn't have formatting, unless Notepad has got really adventurous at some point in the last decade or two.

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I feel bad for thinking this headline has everything.

Yeah, I thought that was it. The definition is clear that criticism of the Israeli government that's comparable to criticisms aimed at other governments isn't antisemitism. You should be able to criticise Israel in the same terms you criticise (e.g.) Russia and China, or for that matter America and the UK. But if you exclusively criticise Israel in virulent terms, or say that Israel is some sort of uniquely evil entity comparable to the Nazis, or imply that all Jews worldwide are agents of the Israeli state, or say Israel as a nation state should be wiped off the map—that's antisemitic.

This should all be pretty uncontroversial.

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Because it keeps breaking down; because people are getting randomly banned for no reason; because the chance it has a future is essentially nil, because there's essentially no abuse controls any more so if someone spams you out of the blue multiple times with CSAM discussion and then calls you a necrophile when you block them (as happened to me this week) you have no recourse; because you can only send ten DMs a day or some stupid number now; because "X" is silly and ugly and you're cross about the cute bird...

and because Elon is a narcissistic fuckboy, natch.

I would give my eye teeth for a Persona 5 community on lemmy.

A good one, ideally, which certainly would be a step up from reddit.

You're interpreting a much older shorthand with online emoticon rules. XO is a closed-eye open-mouth emoticon, but XOXO has been "hugs and kisses" for long enough to have been used when people wrote letters by hand.

Linehan being attached to something isn't a plus these days...

SMS was free on some networks initially. They only even realised they could charge for it later.

I have simple needs, so I'm going to say I'm really excited for news on the upcoming game Persona 5: Tactica.

I expect to be disappointed, but for now the dream is real.

This reminds me of the not-very-edifying-at-all moment when "joey" became a universal term of abuse in UK playgrounds.

It's not a stretch, it's literally what that phrase means in context.

Yeah, but you can't make them move, can you. People are like birds flocking, they want their communities, and until people start to move organically they won't go. You can talk to them all you like about how it's better and how it's not scary, but nobody's going to go anywhere that doesn't have the content they want.

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Always amuses me a bit when people say Kindles don't support EPUB, since I've been stripping DRM from my books and storing them in Calibre (enabling transparent conversion between EPUB and Amazon's formats) for thirteen years without a hitch. You should be doing this on any platform if you want to keep your books.

It's beyond me why anyone who so much as knows what FOSS stands for wouldn't do the same.

Usenet was absolutely swarming with memes. They were text-based rather than image-based but they were definitely memes.

I mean, I'd never use Notepad. Download Notepad++, it's better in literally every way.

Not sure that atheism excludes belief in life after death, tbh. We're all alive right now with no god, after all.

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I don't remember a damn thing. One moment there was a mask over my face and I was being asked to count backwards from ten (I think I got to about 8?), the next I woke up very bleary with a sore throat.

For a long time I thought I woke in a large room with three rows of cots. It wasn't until some years afterwards that I realised I never saw the room I awoke in.

I didn't feel high at any point, but then I have ADHD and even being shot full of morphine by a paramedic (the previous week) didn't get me high. I wuz robbed.

So your position (besides implying that I'm a cheerleader for Netanyahu) is that a good working definition of antisemitism is bad because people misuse it? What's your take on how to counter the very real antisemitism that exists in parts of the anti-Israel movement? Also, I'm sorry, but your quotation is obviously bullshit:

applying double standards by requiring of [Israel] a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation

China is a democratic nation now? Saudi Arabia is a democratic nation? Come on. It's obvious what that means, and it should be obvious why holding Israel to a uniquely high standard among democratic nations, as the definition says, is antisemitic.

The word you're probably thinking of is kichigai. But there are oceans of words that you can't use on TV in Japan as I understand it, and there have been since the 70s.

I just got a warning for "threatening violence" for telling off a guy who said we should use mob beatings as criminal justice.

Admittedly, I said something like "I agree, we should all be able to beat and murder anyone we like for our own personal gratification", but it was on /r/uk and I thought we understood sarcasm.

That was bollocks though—notice how you never hear about it any more, even in countries that still go all-out for artificial colourings?

It was kids with ADHD whose sugar intake wasn't controlled. Source: am adult whose sugar intake isn't controlled.

I do genealogy and so I know that my g-g-g-grandfather had to give up farm labouring during the first decades of the British Empire and move to the Bermondsey slums, where he worked as a tanner. If you know anything about historical tanning, you know that this sucked. He was screwed over by the infiux of cheap food from the Empire and our family is part of the underclass to this day.

The thing is, we still live in a rich country because of that. My parents and grandparents and their parents did. We've still had access to education and free healthcare and all that shit. We still had access to all that cheap shit that we robbed the rest of the world for.

So yeah, we owe those people's descendents like it or not. Plus, considering that yes, we were repaying the descendants of slaveowners until just a few years ago, and paying off our Marshall Plan debts etc until very recently, I'm not too fussed if the government of my country pays its debts.

The thing is you aren't the audience. Discussion about anti-Asian racism in English tends to be focused on the experiences of e.g. Asian-American people and on the racist abuse they get from white people.

It's actually that exact kind of self-moderation, surely? "hang on, doesn't this word suck, let's not use it"?

From what I can tell, the secret is rubber boots.

I figured out one of those locks when I was eight. Used to unlock the freezer with a paperclip

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Who the hell is getting bullied for being a test-tube baby?

We had all this shit in the 70s before the first IVF baby, and to the best of my knowledge, bullying over it has simply never been a thing.

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Yeah. 7-bit ASCII goes back to what, the 60s? But computers still used different encodings and so different keyboards for A While.

m*nko begs to differ.

Actually, now you come to mention it...

Probably my closest call is going on holiday one week and not the next. A nail bomb went off at the bus stop I was at, exactly one week after I was waiting there.

It was, but in its sense of flooding with unwelcome online content, it was a Usenet meme first. Goes back to the green card spammers.