Microsoft is killing WordPad in Windows after 28 years to – 1081 points –
Microsoft is killing WordPad in Windows after 28 years

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Slightly annoyed about this, as I do use Wordpad (it's lightweight and useful for quick notes that I want to mark up with bold and italic). I don't always want to watch Word or Libreoffice load for twenty to thirty seconds.

Shitty decision, happy to be Wordpad's one fan.

There's dozens of us!

Yeah, when I want to just jot some words down quick in Windows, Wordpad has always been my go-to, but main thing for me is opening .txt files. Maybe I'm dumb and there's some Notepad default layout thing I never bothered figuring out, but I don't want to have to scroll right to read long lines of text.

What about Notepad? I use it for the same quick notes

Doesn't have formatting, unless Notepad has got really adventurous at some point in the last decade or two.

I recently noticed notepad now displays line numbers, so there has been some improvement... But it still shits the bed if you try to open a file that's more than a few megs...

I mean, I'd never use Notepad. Download Notepad++, it's better in literally every way.

Oh yes, I use notepad++ regularly. I opened something with notepad by accident the other day and happened to notice the change.

Same boat. I have been using WordPad and .rtf format for all my notes for maybe 15 years.

I've been meaning to jump to a markdown editor for a long time, and after this news I've already started using MarkText. I probably should have jumped ship a long time ago, but at least I'm on the path now.

I will have to figure out a neat way to convert my .rtf notes to .md. Update: I've found Pandoc, it's a command line tool for which I've made a script for converting my .rtf files to .md.

I've been using Joplin for a few years, syncing through Dropbox, and I like it. Mostly through the Linux terminal UI + vim though.