Google won’t repair cracked Pixel Watch screens to – 272 points –
Google won’t repair cracked Pixel Watch screens

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How's the battery life? I have a Pixel watch and I like it but the battery life is kinda bothersome.

Going on a long hike with literally every power draining option turned on, I still finished the day with like 65%+ battery. A normal day, again with pretty much every battery draining feature turned on, drains about 10% battery, estimated battery life is about 11 days with that set up. If I turn off the extra GPS antennas and only use the US constellation, and dial down the rest of the tracking a little, it's easily 18-20 days I think.

My watch is also the power hungry one with an AMOLED screen. You can get closer to 30 day battery life from their Enduro lines I think.

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