Are we going to actually allow this type of "debate" stuff to stay up? to Beehaw – 7 points –

Wasn't it established this type of behavior isn't acceptable towards lgbt people? Dismissing their hurt caused by others and clearly gas lighting them?

The replies to this comnent are disheartening


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Yup. Doesn't help to hide this stuff. We all need to band together and support each other in shouting it down and educating.

This is tiring for those whom are being attacked by that stuff in covert manner. Think about it from the minority persons perspective, day in day out they see abusive content, in media, their home and in discussion forums. It doesn't help to be forced to see this in a safe space either. The stuff i link in this post isn't good for the mental health and wellbeing of people.

It is not an attack to simply express disagreement, and not everyone who disagrees is coming from a place of hostility.

The whole point of a forum is for healthy dialogue. You can't just go around accusing everyone who disagrees with you as being abusive and disingenuous.