Sunken boat killing hundreds overshadowed by Titan submersible coverage to World – 594 points –
A tale of two disasters: Missing Titanic sub captivates the world days after deadly migrant shipwreck

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Rich people think spending money is what makes them special.

My favorite lately is the rise of the 'world traveler' who treats travel as a moral imperative that elevates them above those who can't or don't have the means to spend 5-6 figures per year on international vacations.

International travel certainly does broaden a person's perspective. It's great if your can do it, but anyone acting superior because they can travel is just an asshole.

I have to wonder if these people are really getting the straight dope anyway, or going to all the tourist spots and being shown what they want to see. They're definitely not hanging out in a refugee camp if they're spending that much.

I enjoy traveling but it does bring a bit of guilt that I have the ability to do it when so many people never will. Hoping there's some advancing in vr/ar to provide better cultural sharing and better immigration reception to provide the physical interactions.

These days, it's much cheaper to just have international friends online.