
2 Post – 178 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

ignorance and paranoia about radioactivity go hand in hand.

i know so many otherwise smart people who lose it on this issue. because they just think any radioactivity = destroy planet forever . completely ignorant to how it actually works, and just think every power plant must eventually chernobyl and that one barrel of nuclear waste is enough to destroy 1000s of miles or something equally absurd.

totally sad.

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gender neutral bathrooms are the answer here.

most public places have them now, don't get why you can't have one in a school.

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all Tinder cares about is keeping you swiping, with your eyes on the screen.

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I don't go out because post covid everything costs 100% more and is 100% worse.

I spend $60 on two beers and a mcdonalds quality hamburger + fries last week. F that. in 2019 that would have been 20 bucks. in a place that was crowded and it took me like 30m to get my food. and almost every place is like that now. double the price for half the service or quality of product.

if going out was fun and affordable I'd do it more. I went out regularly before covid. I just don't want to have to drop 30-40 bucks for a single beer and junk food meal anytime i want to socialize.

all my old spots that were affordable, chill and fun, are gone. i used to hang out in coffee shops after work because they were quiet and i don't drink.. now they all closed at 2pm. bars are noisy and crowded and want $15+ for a cocktail and $10 for a budweiser. that used to be $10 and $5.

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because the us govt doesn't give a shit about monopolies.

EU might get up in their shit though.

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GDP is a useless metric. Most USA GDP grown is from stupid shit like housing prices being super inflated.

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100%. the level of comments kbin are blowing my mind, actual discussion. debate. different perspectives. people writing full sentences and explaining their thoughts.

instead of people being banned and insulted for having a differing opinion. or being told they are mean and bad people.

the 3rd grader level of discourse on reddit didn't exist 10+ years ago. it happened only after the site because a household name.

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My dad used to talk about how democrats were evil and should be put in camps to be exterminated. And the worst thing the country ever did was allow women to vote.

I used to think he was an insane person. Now I realize he simply was a republican ahead of his time. He died in 2012.

good. hopefully the media can stop pushing this nonsense 24/7. i wonder if the families will pay for the millions of dollars wasted in searching for these selfish idiots? who knowingly signed up for this death trap?

at least emergency services in my area charge idiots for rescues. fuck around in the White mountains and you can end up paying six figures or more for a rescue. which is as it should be. they don't however, charge for legitimate rescues.

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It's the protocols more than anything.

stuff with this speeds existed already, it just wasn't via USB. it was expensive proprietary protocols and hardware and cables. USB is an open standard design for consumer use, and not for giant corps with datacenters who can pay $2,000 for a single data cable.

Thunderbolt is basically a data-transfer focused version of USB, and just requires a different controller that supports the new protocols to achieve the higher speeds.

multiplexing is one way to achieve higher bandwidth and throughput over the same physical cable.

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which is why people want to be rich. it's way bigger benefit than the money.

people think about all the maga types that are 'one day millionaires'. nah, it's not about being rich for money, it's about they back a guy who does the stuff they wish they could personally do. like be rabidly racist in public without consequence

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he's a TED talk basically.

most TED talks are like that. sophisticated sounding gibberish that has no real world merit, but sounds really cool and interesting.

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There are countries with way better CEO to work pay ratios. But in the USA we act like it's totally normal to have these huge wealth gaps, when in reality they are recent phenonemon and the only other era they were repeated was the gilded age which resulted in a decades long depression that was only ended by a world war.

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i sexually identify as nuclear armageddon. my pronouns are Minuteman III/Trident II

been here a month or so.

def seeing more abusive people show up, and nutcases who are spamming their ideological nonsense on every post who have think being first to post about their victim hood as misunderstood holders of THE TRUTH is some sort of relevant commentary and they are being oppressed by some other group of a different ideology.

this thread seems to be exhibit A.

also way more low quality shit posting and memes which i have to spend several minutes blocking each morning.

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lawmakers are not intelligent or discerning people

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It always has been, it always will be.

I don't get why anyone is surprised by this sort of thing. Money is the supreme value above all others in USA culture.

It comes before God, Country, Mission and personality morality, always.

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spez is going to bail on reddit the second his stock options vest.

all he has to do between now and then is make reddit as bullshitty as possible so idiot investors line up to buy stock.

I'm an IT professional but I find most IT communities to be full insufferable people and full of useless and irrelevant information on obscure systems and practices that don't apply to the average IT job which is sys admining windows/linux/mac.

Would love a community that was chill and not full of people trying to one up one another about how amazing they are or how hardcore their lab is.

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yeah when he became president again 6 years ago.


I worked at one for a few years. It had an endowment of like 750million... larger than most colleges and universities. It employed 20 people, 1/3 of whom was solely to manage the investment of the endowment on the stock market and who were paid 500K salaries to do so. Rest of us made barely livable wages. I was 22-25 and making 30K a year.

It was under the guise of 'economic research' but all we really did was reward five or six figure grants to rich and powerful professors, lawyers, and politicians for 'furthering democratic values.'

It was a just a way to shuffle money from the ultra rich to the merely rich and everyone got to pat themselves on the back about how heroic and brave they were for 'the greater good'.

This is also the bullshit way that most rich universities justify their horrendous hording of wealth. That it's for the 'greater good', but all they are doing is enriching themselves and top echelons of the admin/professors, while the 99% of the rest of the employees who do 100% of the work are getting barely livable wages.

Before that it was 'big data'. remember that?

every 5 or so years the media needs some new tech to hype up to get people paranoid

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exactly. the apps made the site useful on mobile.

the reddit app makes the reddit experience awful. and so does their default mobile site which harasses you to use the app.

like Target, corporate simple doesn't want to deal with the possible lost business of nutbags boycotting starbucks over a few pride flags in the store.

or maybe the drama of said nutbags coming into store and assaulting employees over it.

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Democrats never push to do anything that upsets the status quo. They are cowards. And any democrat who does push that agenda, is labeled some sort of extremist socialist nutjob.

This is why so many of us are outraged.

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the feed is trying to get you to look at ads and buy shit. that's what

yeah i'm not even counting tipping. that shit is insane. lots of places in my city now want a 20% tip, and a 5-10% fee. on top of a 9% tax. So basically your meal is now 35-40% more than the prices in the menu. and it's expect at literally every joint now, take out and coffee joints too.

it's just not worth it. for that kind of pricing I'm better off just getting delivery. which is what i do now. ubereats is a 20% tip and like a $5 delivery fee. it's cheaper and i don't have to deal with slow/rude service and other customers being loud and obnoxious.

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Rich people think spending money is what makes them special.

My favorite lately is the rise of the 'world traveler' who treats travel as a moral imperative that elevates them above those who can't or don't have the means to spend 5-6 figures per year on international vacations.

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discussion and recommendations.

but now it's mostly shit, like anything that is remotely social media. crazy power users and bad faith actors are all over the place.

I stopped using it a few years ago because people who harass me based on my reviews, esp if it was a critical review of a popular book.

yes. nightlight in my city is predominantly wealthy people going out every other night. i go out like a few times a month and people think i'm a weirdo/shut in. i used to go out more, but it was way cheaper to go out back then.

i can't be dropping $500 in drinks alone every week. but for a lot of people in my city that's entirely normal.

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and latinos. and a minority of blacks and asians. That forms a plurality.

crazy conservative people are not defined by race.

lots of immigrants voted for Trump because the funny thing about immigrants is that they HATE new/future immigrants.

a lot liberal smart white people need to get their heads out of their asses about the political reality and stop making stupid assumptions about other groups.

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nobody should have root access other than senior admins.

I can order from amazon, or spend an hour in the car to go to a store and pay a higher price.

I'm buying from amazon.

that's true of everywhere in the developed economies.

we value assets more than we value labor. so assets get more expensive and labor is cheaper. and since the rich are getting richer at an unprecedented rate, it's not going to change unless we have a serious social collapse.

If you give people power, they will abuse it, and use it to abuse you.

Sadly most of the rightwing platform takes the form of a revenge-fantasy at this point.

Yeah you can control small things and fix them. I can patch a wall or fix up some stairs if they get creaky.

However, healthcare, education, and housing are rapidly becoming out of reach for the majority of people. That isn't a small thing any one person can fix on their own. True of both USA and Canada. And even those who do have them, have ever growing anxiety that they will lose them. I live in a wealthy city full of wealthy people who endlessly agonize about how poor they are and how will they send their kids to college or how their house that they paid a million bucks for is a dump. etc.

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plus people surround themselves with similar people, so as people become extra cunty they associate with extra cunt types.

parental money and credit cards.

my work hires lots of 22 year olds. most of them are getting an extra 1-2K from the bank of mom and dad per month, and loading up on debt. i've seen their statements that they download onto their work computers. kid making 40K a year has 15K in CC debt. (of course this same kid got fired because they were doing personal shit on a work computer).

poor kids live at home with their folks to have any semblence of a life.

Gun industry heavily relies on mentally ill people and their paranoid delusions to fuel their profits. They are the people who are buying dozens and dozens of guns.

"for example, a report published in 2017 by researchers at Harvard and Northeastern universities. The authors estimate that of the 265 million privately owned firearms in the US, about half are owned by 3% of the US adult population. And while about half of gun owners own one or two guns, 8% of gun owners own 10 or more – a figure that amounts to about 40% of the total US gun stock, according to the report."

Normal mentally well gun owners own own like 1-3 weapons, because why would any sane person need more than that? They aren't making money off your average joe who buys a handgun/shotgun. They are making it off the nutbags who own 20 different combat rifles and all the tacticool accessories so they can cosplay on the weekends as soldiers and 'train' who sit around on the internet bragging about how 'prepared' they are for some doomsday scenario.

Yep. They are ordinary businesses now, and must seek every increasing profits via squeezing.

The innovation era of big tech is over. The internet is just another utility over which ads must be pumped.

People forget that cable was ad-free went it first started rolling out.