Does the GOP have a chance in 2024? to politics – 15 points –

The blue wall is 235-ish EV due to 2020 census changes. DeSantis needs to win Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania or he has no chance.


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and latinos. and a minority of blacks and asians. That forms a plurality.

crazy conservative people are not defined by race.

lots of immigrants voted for Trump because the funny thing about immigrants is that they HATE new/future immigrants.

a lot liberal smart white people need to get their heads out of their asses about the political reality and stop making stupid assumptions about other groups.

Getting smart, liberal, white people to pull their heads out of their asses and come down from their egos is just about as impossible as getting dumb, conservative, rednecks from not voting against their interests.

Let's be clear that crazy conservatives are overwhelmingly white. While there are people of color in that group, they represent small portions of their communities.

I think you'd be surprised how large a portion of the Latino community is crazy conservative.

Yeah, some of the most anti-immigrant people I've ever met were themselves immigrants. It's the classic "pull the ladder up behind you" phenomenon and it's not exclusive to rich humans.

Funny enough, if the GOP could just stop being so goddamn racist, they'd win every election in the white house and congress for the rest of all time. The only real thing uniting the various democratic groups is the racism of Republicans.

Black voters don't like the fact that gay or trans people exist.

Latinos don't like social welfare programs.

Asians don't like equity programs.

College educated whites don't like seeing any of the previous 3 groups in their neighborhood, bringing down property values.

Young people don't like voting.

There's really not a lot of common values bringing these groups together. Except the general "let's not be racist assholes, at least openly in public" thing.

College educated whites don’t like seeing any of the previous 3 groups in their neighborhood, bringing down property values.

This isn't a thing, at least I have never seen that. Most College educated whites look for diverse neighborhoods to live in.

You've never even heard of the suburbs?

Suburbs can be very diverse these days, especially older neighborhoods. The barriers to home ownership is largely income based not racial based. Also a college education isn't part of that equation.

What a strange, wonderful fantasy world you live in.

Ok, can you show some evidence to refute my point? I'm sure there must be something in the red states that backs your statement. Please share.

I refuse to provide sources for obvious statements. Either your experience in the world is so limited it's warped your view of what's normal, or you're asking for evidence in bad faith. Either way it's impossible to convince you of anything until you do a little maturing.\_Ci36Vw

So you admit you are wrong and based your comments on an assumed position and not one based on facts. Thank you.

The sealion politely demands evidence for even the most mundane or self-evident statements and insists that you justify your opinions until he's satisfied—which he never is, since he's asking questions in bad faith.