Identity in the Fediverse to – 28 points –

I'm new to fediverse. For a long time I assumed it would be possible to have a single identity separate from the ActivityPub instance I'm using and tried to figure out what am I missing. Recently, I figured out that it was not the case. People generally have multiple accounts for interacting with different aspects of fediverse. It still bothers me a bit. So I did a search and found this note from 2018 that summarizes my thoughts very well.

I'm wondering if there are others thinking about this, or having multiple accounts has been accepted as the "correct" way of interacting with fediverse?

I think separating identity from the instances would really be a step forward, but as I said, I'm new to this and maybe there are things I don't understand?


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I have multiple accounts, but after a few days I stopped using all except one. Not sure what would be the point of using all of them. As for identity, as long as you want to have a verifiable identity you should use some external independent mechanism, anything hosted can't be trusted. E.g. GPG signatures on your profile if you're somewhat technical.

I use identity to mean "account" here. Like a Google account that can be use both in Gmail and YouTube.

I see. Yeah, it should be possible to federate/distribute that I guess.

I'm really surprised it's not been done already. It should be trivial to do federated authentication with your original instance on any other, and then your account data can be synced just like content is.