
6 Post – 214 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Together we can build something that was lost to company execs, shareholders and modern capitalism.

I like this place. A lot. Yes, everything is not super polished. Yes, I have to be more active to find the content I want. Yes, there's a lot less content than on reddit. But the people here feel like real people, not people and bots who push agendas.

And I've always been somebody who contributes, so I'm here to help build the place I want.

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Dunno, I stopped caring about reddit.

Policymakers must act

Hahaha. "Policymakers" created the system that leads to this inequality, and they benefit from it. It's like asking swingers to promote chastity.

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Raw number of accounts doesn't seem meaningful as long as captchas are off.

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Lol. tinder fact checks bios? Hilarious..

Labour shortages? How about paying a living wage?

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Any drill instructor should do. Medic!

Would you like to know more?

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Their post about the meetings with reddit:

Moderators of r/blind—along with moderators in other communities who use assistive technologies and Reddit users with accessibility expertise—had a Zoom meeting with representatives at Reddit on Friday, June 16, 2023. While the call was promising in that Reddit invited us to be part of continuing dialog and demonstrated some well-conceived accessible designs for Reddit users, we came away with serious concerns which Reddit was either unable or unwilling to address during the meeting.

Reddit is currently prioritizing accessibility for users rather than for moderators, and representatives were unwilling to provide timelines by when Reddit’s moderation tools would be accessible for screen reader users. Further, Reddit representatives seemed unaware that blind moderators rely on third-party applications because Reddit’s moderation tools present significant accessibility challenges. They also seemed unaware that the apps which have so far received exemptions from API pricing do not have sufficient moderation functions. u/NTCarver0 explained that blind moderators will be unable to ensure safety for our communities—as well as for Reddit in general—without accessible moderation systems, and asked Reddit representatives how blind moderators were supposed to effectively moderate our communities without them. Reddit representatives deferred the question, stating they would have to take notes and get back with us. A fellow moderator, u/MostlyBlindGamer, also pointed out that blind moderators who are unable to effectively moderate the subreddit and thus will become inactive may be removed at Reddit’s discretion per policy, and that such removal would leave r/Blind with no blind moderators. Reddit representatives also deferred comment on this issue.

Reddit representatives refused to answer questions concerning the formal certifications, accreditations or qualifications of employees tasked with ensuring universal accessibility. These certifications demonstrate that a professional has the knowledge necessary to create universally-accessible software and/or documents. Because Reddit cannot confirm that employees tasked with universal accessibility hold appropriate certifications or that the company will provide for such training and certification, we have concerns that employees do not have the appropriate knowledge to effectively ensure access for all assistive technology users both at present and in the future. Reddit has also indicated there are not currently any employees who work full-time on accessibility. This is a necessity for any organization as large and influential as Reddit.

Reddit representatives had previously disclosed to r/Blind moderators that an accessibility audit had been performed by a third-party company, however they refused to answer questions as to what company performed the audit or how the audit was conducted. Answers to these questions would have allowed us to determine whether the audit was performed by an accredited organization known for credible and thorough work. Reddit also could not answer questions as to what assistive technologies, such as screen readers, screen magnifiers, dictation softwares, etc., were used during the audit. Bluntly, we cannot know the thoroughness or scope of the audit—and therefore the extent to which Reddit is aware of the accessibility barriers present in their website and apps—without this information.

During the previous meeting, Reddit representatives raised a question regarding perceived disparities between the accessibility of the iOS and Android apps, suggesting the audit did not confirm that the accessibility failings in the iOS app are much more severe than those present in the Android app. During the latest meeting, u/MostlyBlindGamer explained that the iOS app has no labels for the ubiquitous and essential upvote and downvote buttons while the Android app does. This question raises the concern that Reddit representatives may not have a full and actionable understanding of the issues at stake or, in fact, the exact accessibility failings in their apps.

Reddit representatives narrowly defined the scope of the latest meeting less than an hour ahead of it, explicitly excluding third-party apps and API pricing from the conversation. They did acknowledge that this made it difficult to adequately prepare for the meeting.

Reddit refused to define the term “accessibility-focused app,” alleging that this was outside the cope of the meeting. This term is not industry-standard and was instead created when Reddit carved out an exemption in their upcoming API policies for third-party apps used by blind people to access the platform. Without this definition, we are unable to ascertain whether apps that have not been approved but are nevertheless relied upon by community members qualify for an exemption.

Reddit gave no firm commitments as to when accessibility improvements would be rolled out to the website or apps. However, it is obvious that the Reddit website and apps will not be ready for disabled users—and especially moderators—by July 1.

In general, moderators of r/Blind who attended the call came away with mixed impressions. Reddit seems to be somewhat aware of the myriad accessibility barriers present in their applications and website, and the company appears to be laying the groundwork to fix issues which they are aware of. This is excellent news. However, we also feel that Reddit does not know what it does not know, and this lack of knowledge is exasperating, disheartening, and exhausting. We also came away frustrated that Reddit representatives were either unwilling or unable to answer prudent and pertinent questions which would allow us to determine not only how we can best keep our community safe and healthy, but also whether Reddit is truly prepared to commit to ensuring accessibility for all disabled users both now and in the future. Finally, we hope that our concerns—especially those pertaining to moderation—will be addressed expeditiously and satisfactorily, thus assuring that r/Blind can operate effectively well into the future. Despite our concerns, we remain open to continued dialog with Reddit in the hope that it will foster a more accessible platform.

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Because HR and managers are prejudiced and do a poor job at selecting the right candidates. Oh, and the salary they offer is probably not competitive.

If you lump all "open source" software into one pile it's hard to discuss this topic at all as licenses are widely different.

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Who would have guessed..

Greed is now baked into capitalism

When was it not?

Hell, o can’t even order torrents that are currently running by size or % done

Sure you can, click the gear icon and do it. Not hard.

Also, I don’t think it’s actively developed anymore

fud fud fud https://github.com/transmission/transmission/releases/tag/4.0.0

Hm, I never really thought about it.. but my dentist and family doctor are both women. I selected them both because they had nice websites that looked like they cared about (getting) patients.

A global elite led by the CIA had been planning for years to use a pandemic to end democracy and impose totalitarian control on the entire world.

Ok, that's all the article has. As far as conspiracy theories go that's pretty mild.

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Dude developed testable hypotheses thousands of years ago, not exactly like but very close to what we call the scientific method today. Full of shit? What an ignorant thing to say.

I feel you, but in the end it's just garbage content to piss off reddit admins and execs. Personally, I'd rather get quality content from the fediverse now, but I can understand that some people want to burn that other place down.

Which country is that?

Bartenders started to openly mock

Lol, I'd take my business somewhere else. It's not like I hang out in bars anyway..

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Um. What else would it be?

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Honestly, almost never. That's why there are daily meetings, so that you don't change the same code at the same time.

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Didn't you hear? What benefits the corporations benefits the people! It's trickle down prosperity.

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“You will own nothing, and you will like it.”

Lol, Not long ago I was called a right wing conspiracy nut for using that quote.

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Not true?

Kinda, external files are pulled from other servers, not content.

The current practice of using emoji reactions as a means of interaction lacks depth and context.


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Lol, China is a threat? You dumb fuck, if politicians destroy your local supply chains they are the threat.

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The financial system is self-reinforcing, it was created by politicians so that they could do debt financed popular things, then the banks and rich could exploit that system for their own benefit and in turn fund politicians who keep the system running.

it is only working in tech that ive experienced complaints from women about my serial killer vibes or whatever

I'd take such accusations straight to my manager, I'm not going to deal with such bullshit. You just exist ffs.

Just wondering, but why don't you ask reddit to delete your data, according to the GDPR you have a right to that?

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80G sounds like it could be nothing. They should probably be more specific about what kind of data.

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Fwiw, you can delete duplicate comments.

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I have multiple accounts, but after a few days I stopped using all except one. Not sure what would be the point of using all of them. As for identity, as long as you want to have a verifiable identity you should use some external independent mechanism, anything hosted can't be trusted. E.g. GPG signatures on your profile if you're somewhat technical.

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Somebody will always be offended, no matter which language you use. A few days ago a supposedly trans person told me to use "female" because "biological woman" is trans-exclusive. People who discriminate based on every day language just want to feel better about themselves.

They only copy posts afaict. I subscribed to some of their communities but unsubscribed rather quickly as the post feed without comments usually has little value.

I pay by contributing content, and I block ads. My content attracts people who don't mind the ads. Nobody is hosting content for free.

Dunno, I like that the same community can exist in multiple places. As the system is federated I can subscribe to all and read all content and contribute everywhere. Not sure yet how crossposting will affect my feed though.

Not affected today, many businesses were started from home. We already know it's not possible any more to build a business using hashicorp products as they could pivot at any moment and then you'd be "competing" and in breach of license.

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