Why the world cannot afford the rich

boem@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 271 points –
Why the world cannot afford the rich

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Policymakers must act

Hahaha. "Policymakers" created the system that leads to this inequality, and they benefit from it. It's like asking swingers to promote chastity.

Hey, now. That's not fair. The rich purchased these policymakers fair and square. They are bought and paid for, so they can do what they please with them, thank you very much.

The financial system is self-reinforcing, it was created by politicians so that they could do debt financed popular things, then the banks and rich could exploit that system for their own benefit and in turn fund politicians who keep the system running.

Ahhh, yes “Policy Makers”, AKA “They”, aka “Someone”, … those guys.

Policies and Government regulations, decision making, ungh, it’s so nebulous getting to something actually measurable and effective.

I’m so checked out…